
发布 2022-12-19 10:37:28 阅读 6288











. 听句子,选择正确**。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

)6. a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’tc. it’s bad.

)7. a. i’m sorryb. i agreec. i’ll think about it.

)8. a. a teacherb. chinac. swimming.

)9. a. i’d love tob. i’m sure of that. c. i’m sorry to hear that.

)10. a. englishb. i don’t like it at all. c. that’s right.

. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

)11. a. to do his homework.

b. to wash dishes.

c. to play computer games.

)12. a. table tennis. b. basketballc. football.

)13. a. sleepingb. h**ing breakfast. c. watching tv.

)14. a. li mingb. jackc. wang junfeng.

)15. a. a penb. a bookc. a ruler.

. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

)16. what does d**e do?

a. a doctorb. a teacherc. a student.

)17. what are the children doing?

a. playing football.

b. learning something about animals.

c. talking to the teacher.

)18. what’s d**e’s father?

a. a workerb. a writerc. a policeman.

)19. where is d**e’s house?

a. near the school.

b. next to the zoo.

c. across from the library.

)20. does d**e like animals?

a. yes, he doesb. no, he doesn’tc. we don’t know.




)1.--what do you often do in your free time

---i often go swimming . it’s my f**orite .

a . hobby b . color c . subject

) watch football games at home on weekends ,but now i like shopping with my friends.

a . am used to b . was used to c .didn’t use to to

)3. he and his friends much time the work last month

a . spends ; doing b . spent ; doing c . took ; to do d . cost ; do

)4. the huanghe river is one of in the world

a . longer rivers b . the longest rivers c . the longest river d . longest rivers

) 5 . he was just looking out of the window the teacher called him

a . while b . when c . until d . since

)6 tom is a boy . he never cleans his bedroom by himself

b. ugly d . funny

)7. people took an active part in the battle against sars in 2003.

a. thousand of b . ten thousands c . thousands of d . thousand

) you your ruler to me ?

sorry,mine is at home. but you can one from helen

a. lend lend b . borrow lend c . lend : borrow d . borrow : borrow

) stone is he**y for him carry.

too too c . too to d . enough ; to

)10.--what's the name of the song ?

its name is jiangnan style . it’s very young people now

a . interested in b . famous for c . fond of d . popular with

)1 1 what weather ! lets go and visit the west lake

a . an nice d . a nice

)12 which subject do you like ,math, chinese or english ?

a . better much

)13.--i called you at 8 o’clock yesterday,but there was no answer.

oh . i’m sorry . i dinner at my friend's house

a . h**e b . had h**ing h**ing

)14.--i was late for the concert yesterday . it was nearly over when i got there.

a . sounds interesting ! b . what a pity! ,wonderful d . i hope so

15.--we can use qq to talk with each other online

good ! will you please show me

a . what to use b . how to use to use d . where to use



mozart was born on january 27,1756 and died on december 5, he was three, he often had 1 with his elder(年长的)sister. his father took him through many 2 countries, where he played music for lots of people.


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