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八年级(上)units 3—4复习案(九年级)

一、 important phrases:

1. 去露营 go camping2. 去观光 go sightseeing

3. 去骑自行车 go bike riding4. 去徒步旅行 go hiking

5. 一个放松的假期 a relaxing vacation 6.完成做某事 finish doing sth.

7.迫不及待地做某事 can’t wait to do sth. 8. 前往某地 le**e for

9.少数男生 a small number of boys 10. 依靠,依赖 depend on

11.与……不同 be different from12. 做不同的事情 do something different

13. 考虑 think about14. 决定做某事 decide on sth.

15. 最受欢迎的交通方式 the most popular means of transportation


i. take spend cost pay

it takes sb. some time to do sth.

sb spends time / money on sth. /doing sth

sb pays money for sth.

sth costs some money.

spend time with sb.

1. 李磊买这本书花了20元钱。

the bookli lei 20 yuan.

li lei20 yuanthe book.

li lei20 yuan for the book.

2. 制作这个模型花了我两个半小时。

itme two and a half hoursthe model plane.

itwo and a half hoursthe model plane.

3. 和家人和朋友一起度过对我们很重要。

family and friends is very important to us.

ii. decide to do sth.\ decide on sht. \make a decision to do sth.

decidedgo) on a beach vacation

___a decisionrelax) at home..

can’t decide where to go. finaliy we决定于)canada.

4. we decided on a meeting. 我们决定开一个会。

iii. a number of \ the number of

!. a small number of the boyslike) staying at home.

number of the students in our schoolbe) over 4,000.

iv. plan to do sth. \make plans to do sth \ plan on sth./doing sth

1. we areplan) to h**e a sports meeting next week.

2. in switzerland they usually make plansmeet)friends.

3. i planned onvisit) you tomorrow.

v.other, the other, others, another

other 其余的其复数形式是 others(其他的)

the other 特指某两个中的另一个。

the others (其余的,其他的) 特指某些人或事物中的另一部分。

another(再一个,另一个) 指三个以上的人或事物中的任何其他一个。

1. i h**e two sisters. one is lucyis lily.

2. twenty students in the class are boysare girls.

likes helping

4. tryif you don’t like this one.

5. “fast” isway of saying “quick”.


1. i don’t like离开很长时间)

2. he考虑要去) to greece or spain.

3. heto the bus station.(骑自行车)

4. in china ,it决定于你在**)

5. there must be a lota bus.(一定比坐公交车有趣多了)


1. other parts of the world arefrom the united states.(difference)

2. taking a boat must be a lotfun than taking a bus.(much)

3. itus 20 minutes to get to the top of the mountain. (take)

4. i’m new here. i needa map of the city.(buy)

and buses are the most popularof transportation in china.(mean)

the motherher baby. yesterday, his fatherhim.(babysit)

7. yesterday weplan) to go camping this weekend.

8. the boy finishedwrite) his article at once.

9. there are manytour) in qingdao.

is in thenorth) part of china.

11. we areabout thenews.(excite)

12. he can’t waitsee) that movie.


a. [1. ithim 20 minutes to get to school by bus last term.

2. do it yourself. don’t alwaysother.

3. theyjapan yesterday morning.

4. their teachers often __bikes to school.

5. he said that he __my name.

6. miss linabroad with her friend now.

7. they enjoyon weekends.

8. ann often helps her mother __the chores.

9. what does he want to be when he

10. theyfishing last sunday.b. [

1. my mother was out, so i had tomy little sister at home.

2. what aboutin the park on sunday?

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