
发布 2022-12-10 21:47:28 阅读 2337


词汇: comment, album, personal, special, receive, g**e, guy, get sth. for sb.

, how about, give…….to, what about, mouse, snake, child, pot-bellied, advantage, trendy, perfect, rabbit, clean, company, take care of, too…….to

交际用语: what should i get my sister?

why don’t you get my sister?

how about / what about some tennis balls?

i think a dog is a good pet for a 6---year---old child.

dogs are too difficult to take care of


eg. enough money其中,money是名词,故置于名词之前; rich enough,rich是形容词,故置于enough之后。


3)why don’t you do sth=why not do sth

eg. why don’t you ask for help? \why not ask for help?

4)how/what about+(n.)\v+ing)--等句型结构来表示提建议。

eg. how about \ what about playing basketball?

5) too………to的用法。(意思为太···而不能···

eg. 1) she is too young to go to school.(她太小了而不能去上学)

2) the box is too he**y to carry it.

6)年龄作定语的用法。8 years old与8-year-old的区别。

eg. she is 8 years old \ 8-year-old.(作表语二者都可以用)

she is a 8-year-old girl.(作定语只可以用连用型)






1)what's the best gift joe has ever received?


2)who g**e it to him? give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.


3)what a lucky guy!如何用how来替换。






2) i don't agree. dogs are too difficult to take care of.

too……to含义take care of

dogs are too difficult to take care of.(同义句改写。


) old people think they get __gifts.

a.too much b.much too c.too many d.many too

) remember __the key in the box under the bed.but i cannot find it now!

a.put b.to put c.putting d.put away

) same gift may __away to someone else.

a.give b.be give c.given d.be given

) is a good way to help learners h**e __with english.

a.fun b.funs c.a fun d.funny

) can sing english songs as __as native speakers.

a.good b.well c.better d.best

)6.--whose car is this? is it yours? -no,it isn’t mine.it must be __

a. other someone b. someone else c. someone’s d. someone else’s

) number of tourists __to our country recently.

a.h**e come b.has increased c.comes d.h**e increasing

)8.--i’d like to get you roses for your birthday.

--it sounds good,but it is not __enough.

a.common b.special c.big d.difficult

) think old people should keep a dog as a __when their children are working in other parts.

a.pet b.cat c.child d.care

)10.little child may give his mother le**es __a tree.

a.from b.of c. for d.in

)11.--what should i get my grandma for her birthday?

-why __you __a scarf?

a. not, buy b. don't, buy c. don't, to buy

) is sunday. how about __to visit your grandmother?

a. go b. going c. to go

) don't need to spend __money buying gifts.

a. too many b. much too c. too much

)14.--when did you get the gift? -my __birthday.

sixth b. in, sixth c. on, six

) room is __small __hold these people.

a. so, to b. too, that c. too, to


it’s easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it’s easier to fall into bad habits than into good 1___bad habits do not come 2___they come little by little, so you don’t know their 3___schoolboys first pick up little habits at 4___and on the street. when they can’t do their homework, they copy from 5___if they see bigger boys smoking, they 6___want to learn to smoke. if they see their friends gambling(赌博), they want to gamble.

when they get7___the habits become stronger and stronger. then they can no longer give them up. from copying, they learn to 8___from gambling, they learn to cheat(欺骗).

9___no one believes in them. how 10___it is that we stop the bat habits at the beginning!


expensive inexpensive cheap 昂贵的 便宜的谈论 的时候用 price low high 表示建议的句子有以下说法 why not 动词原形?why don t you 动词原形?shall we 动词原形?would you like to 动词原形?what how a...


unit 1 live to be 活到 space station 太空站。go skating 去滑冰。on the weekend 在周末。the world cup 世界杯。in the future 在未来。hundreds of 数百年。wake up 叫醒。over and over ...


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