人教版八年级英语上1 4单元练习

发布 2022-12-10 09:20:28 阅读 7487




anywhere specialsomething important


decide to do sthquite a fewof course

6.觉得想做7.由于;因为 8.待在家里。

feel like doing sthbecause ofstay at home


go to the mountainsgo to the beach


visit my unclevisit museums


go to the summer campbuy nothing


seem to beget to \ arrive in \ arrive at

17.中国商人18.喜欢散步 19. 我玩得开心。

chinese traders enjoy taking a walk enjoy myself

20.与……不同 21.开始下小雨22.兴奋地

be different from start raining a littlein excitement

23.下大雨 24.一把雨伞25. 足够富有

rain hard an umbrellarich enough


because of the bad weatheranything below

28.足够的金钱 29. 一碗米饭 30. 给…拍照

enough money a bowl of rice take photos of


anyone, anywhere, anything, someone, something, somewhere, everyone, everything, no one, nothing,

6 o’clock. all the students go homeis in the classroom.

went tonice yesterday.

am hungry. i needto eat.

3. .did you read___interesting last night?

4. does___else want to go with me?

is free.(空闲的) she has___to do.

6.-where’s my pen? i can’t find it

boughtfor my father ,but __for myself.


last weekend, it __be) cloudy and cool. i __go) to the happy farm with my parents. we __drive) our car to get there.

we __see) some villages along the way. after we __get) to the farm, the farmers __show) us around the farm first. then, we __do) some interesting things on the farm.

and i learned a lot about farming. i __ride) a horse. it __so cool.

what __do) my mother do? oh! she___grow) vegetables with the farmer.

my father___milk) a cow. we __be)a little tired, but we were so happy. all in all, it __be)an interesting day.



a lot of/ lots of/much houseworkhardly ever

3.多久一次 4.多长时间 5. 多快6. 多少次。

how often how longhow soon how many times


how much use the internetswing dance

6.至少;最起码 7.垃圾食品8.对健康有好处。

at leastjunk foodbe good for health

9.结果10.一个星期一次 11.一年三到四次。

as a resultonce a weekthree to four times

12.网上购物 13.例如 14. 在一起生活 15.少于;不足。

shop onlinesuch as live together less than

16. 一点也不17.健康的生活方式。

not… at allhealthy lifestyle

18.多于;超过 19.为什么(口语) 20. 在周末

more thanhow comeon weekends


help with houseworkgo shopping


stay up latefifteen percent of students


not…at allthe answer to the question


the best way to ….


) is new here,so she hasfriends at school.

a, much b. fewc, littled. a little

) better not read today’s news***** because there is __in it.

a. nothing specialb. anything new

c. everything importantd. something interesting

)3. -what___you usually __on weekends?

-i usually __violin.

a. did; do; play the b. do; do; play c. do; do; play the d. did; do; play

) news made me

a. feel excitedb. feel exciting

c. to feel excitedd. to feel exciting

) sunday we went to the beach . we had great funin the water.


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