How的用法 美国小学三年级数学题

发布 2022-12-03 01:27:28 阅读 2465

1. the parktown soccer league has 144 players. the riverside soccer league has 165 players.

when the two leagues get together for a tournament, how many soccer players are there altogether if everyone comes?


2. five children h**e one book of 35movie tickets to share equally. each movie costs one ticket.

how many movies can each child see?


3. before school my mother g**e me a pack of 24 new pencils. when i get to school, i want to share them equally among my three friends and me.

how many pencils will each of us get?


4. benjamin drew a picture of 7 pentagons. each pentagon has 5 sides.

how many sides are there in all?


5. a robot has 4 hands. each hand has 6 fingers.

how many fingers does the robot h**e together?


6. we made 20 muffins for the bake sale. we put the muffins in bags to sell.

we put 4 muffins in each bag. how many bags of muffins did we h**e to sell?


7. we bought 5 packs of yogurt cups. each pack had 4 yogurt cups.

how many yogurt cups did we buy?



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