
发布 2022-12-02 00:25:28 阅读 5871


一. 写出从a到z 二十六个字母的大小写形式。(10分)

二. 按要求选出恰当的单词。(20分)

she on dad children girl short isn’t grandfather small woman



口语 not(缩写形式)__


反义词10. he(对应词)__


) c. sister

) 2. b. giraffe c. fat

) 3. a. chair b. pear

) 4. a. in b. on c. car

) 5. a. boy c. girl

) c. thin

) 7. b. juice

) 8. a. orange b. apple

) 9. a. monkey b. duck c. map

) 10. c. watermelon


) 1. —is he your father?

a、no,she isn’t. b、yes,he isn’t. isn’t.

) 2. —nice to meet you.

a. thanks. b. nice to meet you,too.

) 3. —who’s that boy?

a、she’s my sister. b、she’s my mother. my brother.

) 4. —look at the monkey!

a、ah! so cute! b、me too.

) 5. nice to __you again.

a. watch b. look

) 6. look __my bag.

) 7. _you read this?


) 8. _is my grandpa.


) 9. where __you from?

a.is ) 10. this is __friend.

a.me b. i


) 1. 当别人邀请你吃苹果时,你说:

a、yes,i do. b、i’m sorry.

) 2. 当你递给别人东西时,应说:

a. ok. b. here you are. you.

) 3. 你想让别人拍球,应说:

a、bounce a ball. a boat. a car.

) 4. 你的爸爸是老师,你会对朋友说:

a、he’s a teacher. a student. a teacher.

) 5.当你同班同学mike说你今天穿的衣服很漂亮时,你应说: a. yes! you!

) 6.当你找不到你的铅笔时,应问:

pencil is nice. at my pencil.

is my pencil?

) 7. 玩具船在桌子底下,你会说:

a.it’s on the desk. under the in the desk.

) 8. 别人递给你东西时,你应说:

you are.

) 9. 对方要去度假了,你应祝福他(她):

a.h**e a good time! idea! guess!

) 10. 你想知道john喜不喜欢草莓,可以问:

you like watermelons? you like strawberries?

you like pears?


a )1. where are you from? a. no,she isn’t.

)2. who’s that womanb. yes,it is.

)3. is it on your desk? c. yes,i do.

) you like bananas? d. i’m from the usa.

) she your sister? e. she’s my grandmother.


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