
发布 2022-12-02 00:26:28 阅读 6165



listening part 50%



1) gl jn (2) 13 14 (3) fb ed



1)( a. oh, it’s beautiful. b. here you are.

(2)( a. i’m amyb. i’m from china.

(3)( a. it’s okb. nice to meet you.

(4)( a. she’s my mother. b. he’s my father.

(5)( a. i h**e 18b. i can see 18.


writing part 50%




七。 look and choose. (将表示**意思的单词圈出来。)10%

1a. girl (2) a. america (3) a. four

b. boyb. canadab. fifteen

c. womanc. chinac. fourteen

4a. goose5a. mother

b. duckb. brother

c. birdc. sister

八。 read and write. (给下列单词进行分类,把序号写在横线上。)10%




九。 look and match. (选择正确的答句写在括号里。)10%

1.( nice to meet youa. i’m from guizhou.

2. (where are you fromb. nice to meet you , too.

3. (how many rabbits can you see? c. she’s my sister.

4. (how many crayons do you h**e? d. i can see 12.

5. (who’s that girle. i h**e 20.

十。 think and choose. (想一想,选择正确答案。)10%

1. 你怎样向你的朋友介绍你新朋友

a. this is a cat. b. this is my new friend, amy.

2. 早上问好应该说

a. good afternoon. b. good morning.

3. 自我介绍说自己来自**应该说

m sorry. b. i'm from libo.

4. 见面后应该说

a. nice to meet you. b. goodbye.

5. 询问别人来自**应该说

a. where are you from? b. what are you from?

6. 你迟到了,应该说

a. come in. b. i'm sorry.

7. 怎样询问你不认识的女孩

a. who's that woman? b. who's that girl?

8. 你怎样问chen jie的年龄。

a. how old are you? b. i am ten.

9. 想知道别人手中有多少本书你应该问

a. how many books do you h**e?

b. how many birds can you see?

10. 想知道别人看到了多少只鸟你应该问

a. how many books do you h**e?

b. how many birds can you see?


. listen and judge. (听录音,判断。)10%

a b c, look and seea b c d e , read after me.

l m n, raise your leg. ④g h i, fly a kite.

bounce the ball.

. listen and circle. (听录音,画圈。)8%

1) gl (2) 13 (3) ed (4)7 (5) 20

. listen and number. (听录音,标号。)10%

1. lion 2. fish 3. jeep 4. kangaroo 5. goose

. listen and choose. (把听到句子的答句序号圈出来。) 12%

look, i h**e a new kite.

where are you from?

i’m sorry.

who’s that man ?

how many pens do you h**e ?

. listen and write . 听录音,圈出正确的**的序号。) 10%

1) i’m amy. i h**e 20 books.

2) i can see 14 rulers.

3) jump 18 times.

4) look, i h**e 16 apples.

5) bounce 15 times.


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