
发布 2022-11-30 03:18:28 阅读 7645


姓名得分。一. 根据中文意思写单词。(15分)





13、小轿车14、公共汽车 15、自行车

二. 选出不同类的单词。(15分)

)1. a. father b. brother c. friend d. grandmother

)2. a. coffee b. tape c. stapler d. crayon

)3. a. clock b. bag c. camera d. radio

)4. a. watch b. bus c. biked. car

)5. a. o’clock b. twelve c. four d. thirteen

)6. a. man b. girl c. daughter d. boy

) 7. a copybook. b. knife c.

) 8. a. computer

) 9. a. aunt b. uncle d. mother.

) ten d. twenty

三. 翻译下列词组:15%

1. family minus twelve

3. seven plus here

a you are

home8. watch tv

to school10. h**e lunch

四. 选择填空:15%

)1. -what’s this in english

a. yes,it isb. no, it isn’t. c. it’s a tape.

)2. –is that your knife

a. it’s a knife. b. no, it isn’t. c. oh, i see.

)3.__a nice telephone!

)4. -who’smy mother.

a. she; he’s b. he ; she’s c. she; she’s

)5.--is he your uncle

a. yes , he is. b. yes, she is.. c. yes, it is.

)6.--is this your grandmother

a. yes ,she isn’t. b. she’s my grandmother. c. no, she isn’t.

)7the time? -it’s seven o’clock. time to___

a. what’s ;h**e lunch b. where’s ; go to school

c. what’s; go to school

)8.--it’s 11:00. _h**e lunch ? ok, let’s go.

can we

)9.--what’s eleven __two? -it’s nine.

)10.--what’s thirteen plus four? -it’s __

a.sevenb ninec. seventeen

五. 根据情景,选择合适的答案。20%


a. excuse me. sorry. right.

)2. 当你想知道远方课桌上的是什么,你会说:

a. what’s this on the desk?

b. what’s that on the desk

c. what’s that in the desk?

) 3.当你去拜见朋友,想进房间时,应说:

a. may i come in? in ,please. i see.

) 的墙上挂着一个带天线的足球,你猜测它是个电视机,你问:

that on the desk? that a tv?

a nice football!

( )5. 想知道**上的男士是不是别人的父亲时你会问:

he your father

she your mother?

he your uncle?

)6. .别人问你十减三等于几,你会说:

ten minus three?

b. it’s right.

) li问你“七加十三等于多少?”,她说:

a. what’s seven plus thirteen?

b. how many is seven plus thirteen?

c. seven plus thirteen is what?


i see. b. how are you? is a pencil box.

)9.当tom 跟一位你不认识的叔叔在打招呼,你会对tom说:

is your uncle. he? my uncle.


to get up.

can h**e lunch now.

go home.

六. 选择正确的应答句,将其序号写在题前括号内。( 20分)

i ) 1. what’s the timea . it’s a crayon.

) 2. who’s heb. come in, please.

) 3. is this a camerac. it’s three o’clock .

) 4. what’s that on the desk? d. no, it isn’t.

) 5. may i come ine. he’s my grandfather.

ii ) fifteen minus two? a. thank you .

) i h**e a lookb. sure. here you are.

) many pens can you see? c. it’s thirteen.

)4. this is your father, i think. d. yes, he is.

)5. what a nice computer! e. i can see four.


a.welcome b.hello c.wow 4.当别人夸奖你的衣服非常漂亮时,你应该这样回答 a.no,of course c.thank you.5 当你和他初次见面时,你应该说 a goodbye.b nice to meet you.c good morning.6 当你向你的爸爸介绍mr...


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