
发布 2022-11-29 22:13:28 阅读 7663

( )1is this? —it is a nose,a. who b. what’s c. what

)2. —is it a pig

a. no, it is, b. yes, it is, c. yes. it isn’t, )3. —can i h**e some water

a. here you are b. here your are c. here you is

)4. —you know it?

a. does b. do c. are

)5. —it’s __eye,a .an b.不填 c. a


it?a.他是谁? b.它是谁? c.她是谁?

) is a schoolbag,a.它是一支铅笔。 b.它是一个书包。 c.它是一支钢笔。

) that?

a.这是什么? b,那是什么? c.它是什么?

) is a bird,a.这是一只鸟。 b,这是一条狗。 c.这是一头熊。

) are you?

a.你好吗? b.你多大了? c.你是谁?



a. who’s that? b. what’s that?


a. thank you, b. how beautiful!

)3.当别人指着一头大象说“is it an elephant?”,你会回答:

a. no, it isn’t, b. yes, it is, )4.当别人问这是谁的铅笔时,如果这是你的,你会说:

a. it is not my pencil, b. it is my pencil, )5. 我国国旗的颜色是:

a .red and white b. red and yellow

)6.当有人对你说:“how are you?”你应该怎样回答:

a. i’m fine, thank you . b. how are you?


a.i’m hungry b. i’m thirsty


a. h**e some bread . b. h**e some water.


a. this is a yellow catb. this is a black cat


a. happy birthday! b. here is your cake


1. what’s thisa .good morning .

2. is it a bunb .it’s blue and red .

3. what colour is it ? c .yes ,it is .

4. what is your name ? d .it is my bag .

5. good morninge . my name is nana .


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