三年级下册英语期末测试卷joinin剑桥英语 含答案

发布 2022-11-29 17:47:28 阅读 1980



l. h__m(火腿) 2. dr__n__(饮料)

3. f__ l(感觉) 4. st__p__d(愚蠢的)

5. f__s__(鱼) 6. f__ d(食物)

7. sm__1__(小的) 8. a__ 手臂)

9. h__ r(头发) 10. sm__1__(笑)

疲劳的) 12. s__ 伤心的)

13. e__ 眼睛) 14. ch__ck__ 鸡肉)

15. an__ r__(生气)


) l. a. apple b. banana c. chicken d. orange

) 2. a. ear b. nose c. eye d. food

) 3. a. beef (牛肉) b. chicken c. pork (猪肉) d. noodles

) 4. a. angry b. sad c. happy d. feel

) 5. a. smile b. cry c. tired d. shout

) 6. a. porridge b. rice c. bread d. legs


1. head, touch, please, your (.

2. my, food, f**orite, is, chicken (.

3. my, likes, grandma, very, much, noodles (.

4. angry, feels, he (.

5. am, i, scared (.

6. bananas, fruit, are, my, mother’s, f**orite (.

7. like, you, ice-cream, do (?

8. don’t, i, apples, like (.

9. she, a, nose, small, has (.

10. like, i, tiger, best (.



a b ) 1) i am very tired. a. i like bananas best.

) 2) is he scared? b. go to sleep, please.

) 3) what do you like best? c. yes, he is.

) 4) do you like pizza? d. no, i don’t.

) 5) can i h**e an ice cream? e. here you are.


i feel very happy today because today is my birthday. my friends give me a lot of presents and i like them very much. my friends and i play games together.

the game is not stupid. i h**e a lot of food, too. cola is my f**orite drink.

i don’t like milk or coffee.

) 1) i feel sad today.

) 2) my friends give me a lot of presents.

) 3) the game is stupid.

) 4) i like milk very much.

) 5) cola is my f**orite drink.



一、l. ham 2. drink 3. feel

4. stupid 5. fish 6. food

7. small 8. arm 9. hair

10. smile l1. tired 12. sad

13. eye 14. chicken 15. angry

二、1. c 2. d 3. d

4. d 5. c 6. d

三、l. please touch your head.

2. my f**orite food is chicken.

3. my grandma likes noodles very much.

4. he feels angry.

5. i am scared.

6. my mother’s f**orite fruit are bananas.

7. do you like ice-cream?

8. i don’t like apples.

9. she has a small nose.

10. i like tiger best.

四、1)-(5) b c a d e五、



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