
发布 2022-11-29 17:49:28 阅读 7164


.read and match .读一读,连一连。(5×2)






.read and choose the different ones.读一读,选出不同种类的选项。(5×2)

) 1. a. qb. rc. b

)2. a. gb. tc. f

)3. a. yb. ac. d

( )4. a . nb. mc. e

( )5. a . lb. qc. h

. choose the words to fill in the blanks. 选择恰当的单词填在横线上。(10×1)


1rulers 一些尺子2. _ship 一艘船。

3eraser 一块橡皮擦4. _panda 一只熊猫。

5cars 一些小汽车6. _orange 一个橘子。

7monkey 一只猴子8. _apples 一些苹果。

9milk 一瓶牛奶10.__toys 一些玩具。

. choose the correct answers. 选择正确的答案。(10×2)

)-1. what’s this ?

a. it’s a tiger b. my name is li shan c. bye-bye

) 2. -nice to meet you

a. me, toob. how are youc. i’m fine , thank you

) 3. how many crayons are there ?

a. pencilsb. i h**e a bag c. five

)4. is that a lion ?

a. yes ,it isn’t b. no ,it isn’t c. no, it is

) 5. -good morning, miss white .

a. good byeb. good afternoon c. good morning, boys and girls

)6.--what color is it ?

a. it’s black b. it’s a carc. it’s an elephant

)7.--are these monkeys ?

a. yes, it is b. yes, they are c. no, they are

)8.--how many pencils do you h**e ?

a. i h**e six b. i h**e planes c. i h**e balls

)9. -do you h**e kites ?

a. yes, i don’t b. yes, i doc. no , i do

)10. -what’s your name ?

a. hellob. my name is kitty c. i am fine , thank you

. spell and write. 拼一拼,写一写。(10×2)

1. rul_ _尺子2. b_ll 球。

3. b _ r 熊4. k_te 风筝。

5. bl_e 蓝色的6. wh_te 白色的。

7. p_nda 熊猫8. _ey 钥匙。

9. p_n 钢笔10. _oy 男孩。

. read and write the numbers.读一读,给下面的数字标注正确的序号。(10×1)

two six eight one three seven nine four ten five

. find the correct translations. 给下列的句子选择正确的译文。(5×2)

) to meet you

a. 见到你很高兴b.你好吗?

)2. i h**e some pencil and some crayons .

a. 我有一支铅笔和一些蜡笔 b. 我有一些铅笔和一些蜡笔。

)3. do you h**e a ruler ?

a.你有橡皮吗b. 你有尺子吗?

)4. what do you h**e ?

a. 你有什么b.你有铅笔吗?

)5. what is in your bag ?

a. 我有一支铅笔在书包里。 b.你的书包里有什么呢?

. read and judge .读一读,判断正误。对的打“√”错的打“×”5×2)

1. hello ! i am m , m is in night

2. hello ! i am k, k is in key

i am e ,e is in eraser

i am t , t is in blue

i am c , c is in car

答案。.fish 鱼 lion 狮子 rabbit 兔子 pencil 铅笔 plane 飞机。


.1-5: some a an a some 6-7:an a some a some

.1-5:aacbc 6-10:ababb. r



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