
发布 2022-08-18 06:43:28 阅读 1932


)1. ab: he’s my brother.

a. what is that manb. who’s that man?

c. where is that boyd. who’s that boy ?

)2. a: your mom is so beautiful! b

a. great! b. thank you. c. yes. d. certainly.

)3. a: how many kites do you h**e ? b

a. i can see twelve. b. i’m twelve. c. it’s twelve. d. i h**e twelve.

)4. a: let’s draw a picture. b

a. sure. b. thanks. c. all right. d. that’s ok.

)5. a: this is amy. b

a. hello. b. how are you? c. nice to meet you. d. how nice!

)6. a: you like bananas ? b: yes, i .

a. are, am b. are, do c. do, do d. do, am

)7. a: is my eraserb. it’s here, on your desk.

a. who b. where c. what d. how many

)8. a: can i use your ruler ? b

a. no way. b. excuse me c. good idea. d. no problem.

)9. a: look at the rabbit, it so short. and it a short tail.

a. is, h**e b. has, has c. is, has d. h**e, is

)10. ab: i am from china.

a. where are you fromb. where do you from?

c. where are you come from ? d. where do you come from?


1.多么大的一条鱼呀a big

2.让我们一起放风筝吧a kite!

3.那个女人是陈洁的妈妈。 thatis chenjie’s

4.我可以吃些桃吗i h**e some


elephant has bigand a nose.


1. my car is under the chair . 对划线部分提问)

iscar ?

2. do you like oranges ? 作否定回答)

no3. this girl is lily’s sister . 对划线部分提问)

this girl ?

4. i can see thirteen crayons? (对划线部分提问)

crayons you see?

5. i am from the usa. (改一般疑问句)

from the usa?



)1. 你向别人借东西时,应先说。

a. watch out! b. sorry. c. excuse me. d. come on.

)2. 当你把东西递给别人时,应说。

a. give you. b. h**e you are. c. sure. d. here you are.

)3. 别人向你道歉,你会对他说。

a. that’s all right. b. you’re right. c. that’s right. d. all right.

)4. 六月一日,你的妈妈会对你说。

a. happy birthdayb. happy children’s day.

c. happy teachers’ day. d. happy women’s day.

)5. mike向别人介绍自己,他应说。

a. my name’s mike. b. this is mike. c. he is mike. d. hello, mike.


ab )1. where are youa. it’s so tall.

)2. h**e some moreb. guess!

) in the boxc. you’re welcome.

)4. look at the giraffed. no, thank you.

)5. thank youe. i’m behind you.


zoom: hello, zip. i h**e my family photo.

zip: really

zoom: certainly, here you are.

zip: thank you

zoom: she is my moma: who is this boy?

zip: she is beautifulb: may i h**e a look?

zoom: she is an actressc. who’s this woman?

zipd. oh, how cool!

zoom: he is my brother. he is a student. e. what is your mom?



amy name is sarah. i’m a student. i h**e twelve books in my bag.

i h**e a good friend. her name is bai ling. she is a chinese girl.

i like white and yellow. she likes blue and red. we play together.

her father is an english teacher. her mother is an actress.

)1. sarah is not a student.

)2. sarah has eleven books in her bag.

)3. bai ling is sarah’s sister.

)4. sarah likes blue and red.

)5. bai ling’s father is an english teacher.


bmy family is not very big. there are only three cats. i’m a white cat.

people call me snow-white. my husband is a black cat. people call him captain black cat.

we h**e a beautiful daughter. her name is lily. she is black and white.

she’s two years old. we live a happy life. from now on, we will work harder to catch the mice.

we must let people live in a happy life in this house.


2015年春学期小学学业状况抽样检测。三年级英语试卷。用钢笔或水笔答卷 一 语音。判断下列每组单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同打 不同打 4分 二 词汇。共30分 a.找出每组中不同类的单词。12分 b.看图,完成词组或句子。一格一词 8分 sweets don t a beautifulclose...


满分 120分时间 60分钟。一 写出所给字母的邻居,要注意分清大小写。10分 1.f2.g3.c 4.e5.h 二 在右栏中找出左栏每个单词的中文意思,把它的字母编号写在左边的括号里。10分 铅笔。眼睛。尺子。黄色的。书包。黑色的。橡皮。学校。嘴。腿。三 单项选择 20分 1.hello a.he...


一 按要求填写 10 1 大写字母e的第二笔是 小写字母e占 格。2 大写字母h的第二笔是 小写字母h占 格。3 大写字母u和小写字母u都是 写成。二 照例子,写出下列字母相邻字母的大小写字母。16分 model 例 aa bb cc ffmm yyii 三 找出下列单词中一个和其它三个不同类的单词...