
发布 2020-05-25 01:12:28 阅读 5719


1. on his bed 2. in your study 3. look at hershoes

4. my friends 5. family members 6. a nice

10. eleven crayons 11. seven staplers 12. fouroclock

13. thirteen yuan 14. i can see 15.

i see.16. go home 17.

go climbing 18. clean my room19. help you 20.

im thirsty. 21. thats right.


)1.小学三年级下册英语期末测试卷2014:isthather copybook?

is. ) 2. lets go skiing.

i do. ) 3. im hungry. id like two .

a. hot dogb. glasses of juicec. pies d. softdrinks

) 4. you like jogging? yes, i .

a. are; likeb. do; like c. do; are; do( )5. what do you like?

a. id like a i like a cake, no, thanks.

三。根据所给情景,选择合适的句子,可多选。( 1.当你想知道书包里的东西是什么时,你可以问:

a. whats this on the school bag?b. excuse me,whats in the school bag?

c. whats that in the school bag?( 2.当你想知道几点时,你可以问:

a. whats the time?b. excuse me, whats the time,please?

c. whats time now?

) 3.当你想知道“14+5”等于多少时,你可以问:a. whats fourteen minus five?b. whats fifteenplus four?

c. whats fourteen plus five?

) 4.当你想知道别人的爱好时,你可以问:a.

what would you like?b. what do you like?

c. do you like swimming?

) 5.当你去商店时,营业员会跟你说:a.

what would you like?b. what do you like?

c. what about the white trousers?( 6.

当你喊饿时,妈妈会跟你说:c. some bread?

) 7.当别人问你能看见多少盒牛奶时,你可以回答:

a. its i can see five cartons ofmilk.

) 8.当别人问你是否弹吉他时,你可以回答:a. yes, it yes, i no, i dont. i playthe piano.


a. (1. how many balls can you see?

a. its six.( 2.

whats fourteen minus eight?b. id like ablue hat.

) 3. wheres his knife?c.

i can see six.( 4. what would you like?

d. i like the violin.()

b. (1. what about some sandwiches?a. yes, sheis.

) )3. is this his aunt ?c.

no, thanks.( 4. do you like skating?

d. yes, it is.( 5.

do you play the guitar?e. yes, i do.


a. (yes, it is. b.

( how much is it?( can i h**e a look?( yes, id like a cartonof milk, please.

) is it your camera?( here you are.( what a nice camera!

( can i help you?( sure. here you are.

( five yuan .c. (thank you.

d. (what do you like?( wheres it?

(do you like the piano?( i cant find my key.( i like running.

shallwe go running?

) good morning, dad.( good idea. lets g( )its in your school bag, i think.( no, idont.








三年级期末测试卷 一。看图,选择相应的单词,并把其字母编号填在该 下面的括号里。10分 a.teacher b.dog c.girl d.twenty e.seventeen f.ice cream g.twelve h.grandma i.elephant j.boy 二 写出下列字母的前后两个相...


测试时间 60分钟,满分100分 学校班别姓名题号得分。一。二。三。四。五。六。七八。九总分。听力部分 30分 一 听录音,判断下列单词或短语是否与录音的内容一致,一致的在括号内打 不一致的打 每小题读两遍。每小题1分,共10分 1 seven2 yellow3 your 4 three5 how ...


2013年小学三年级下册英语期末测试卷 人教版 亲爱的小朋友们,精品学习网小学频道为你整理了小学三年级英语试题,一起来学习吧!listening part听力部分 45分 一 listen and choose.听录音,填序号 20 b ll c y y h b ff c g g b apple c...