
发布 2020-10-28 01:20:28 阅读 5910




1. 抄写下列字母:(7分)

aɑ dd gg ii jj qq yy

2. 写出下列大写字母的小写形式(3分)

f k e


) 1. a. milk b. apple c. pear

) 2. a. tiger b. man c. monkey

( )3. a. leg b. yellow c. red

)4. a. noodle b. rice c. orange

)5. a. monday b. saturday c. year

)6. a. tall b. book c. short

)7、 a 、cat b、 noodles c、meat

)8、 a、swim b、song c、skip

)9、 a、tall b、like c、small

)10. a goes b does c do


)1.颜色 a. red b. colour

)2.矮的 a. tall b. short

)3.猴子 a. monkey b. tiger

)4.传递 a. meat b. pass

)5.骑 a. rice b. ride

)6.幼兽 a. baby b. zoo

)7.篮球 a. football b. basketball

)8.面条 a. noodles b. cake

( )9.香蕉 a. banana b. orange

( )10.游泳 a. skip b. swim


)1a. fish

)2b. bananas

)3c. lion

)4d. phone

)5e. elephant


) 1. whatthey?

a. are b. isc. be

) 2. look! it'selephant.

a. aan c. /

) 3. —please pass me the rice.

a. thank you b. here you are c. hello

) 4. —does lingling like oranges?

a. no, she does b. yes, she does c. yes,i do

) 5your f**ourite colour?

a. what's b. what c. what are

)6. i like

a. swim b. swimming

)7you like noodles

a. doesb. do

)8. amy goes to schoolmondays.

a. doesb. on

)9. the dogmeat.

a. likeb. likes c. liks

)10. -do you like bananas?

---no, i

a. don’tb. do c. does


) 1. the cat likes fisha.

) 2. it's a tigerb.

) 3. i play basketball on sundayc.

) 4. i don't like noodlesd.

) 5. this panda is fate. gh


1、they are苹果)

2、it’s a狮子)


4传递)me a banana .

5、it’s a abc___歌曲)。


1、skipping like i don’t (.

2、like football you do (?

3、f**ourite a my is colour red (.

4、 amy is home at (.



) 1. 你想知道远处的一个物体是什么, 你可以这样问:__

a. what's this?

b. b. what's that?

) 2. 你想知道朋友最喜欢的颜色是什么,你可以这样问:__

a. what's your f**ourite colour?

b. b. what's your f**ourite song?

) 3. 你想告诉别人你不喜欢早操, 你可以这样说:__

a. i don't like morning exercises.

b. b. i don't like football.

) 4. 你打**问lily是否在家,你可以这样问:__

a. is lily at home?

b. b. is lily at school?

) 5. 你想告诉别人你爸爸周六不上班, 你可以这样说:__

a. my father doesn't go to work on sundays.

b. my mother doesn't go to work on saturdays.

十、阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f)。 10分)

hello, boys and girls! my name is mike. i'm tall and fat.

i h**e a long nose。i h**e two big ears. my mouth is not too big.

my teeth(牙齿)are very long. my body looks like a wall(墙). i h**e four strong legs and a short tail(尾巴).


do you know me? what am i?

) 1. mike is tall and fat.

) h**e a short nose.

( )3. mike has two small ears.

) 4. mike has no tail.

) 5. mike's body looks like a wall(墙).


2015 2016学年度第二学期三年级英语。期中考试卷。班级姓名成绩。一 把下列单词抄写在四线格内,并写出汉语意思,写在下面的空白处。12分 cat hand bag dad ten pen leg red big six milk monkey 二 将单词选在对应的 下的括号里,组成幸福的一家人。...


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