
发布 2020-10-28 01:19:28 阅读 1093



tall fat canada long uk


long student thinbiggirl

fatsmallshort boy teacher


b ) 1.

a. i’m from canadab. i’m from china.

b ) 2.

a. this is a boyb. this is a teacher.

a ) 3.

a. it’s longb. it’s short.

b ) 4.

a. this is my brotherb. she’s my sister.

a ) 5.

a. he’s my grandpab. she’s my grandma.


b )1. —how manydo you know?

i know all the animals!

a. animalb. animals c. animales

b ) bigis a giraffe.

a. ab. onec. that

a )3are you

—i’m from the uk.

a. where, from b. what, from c. how, from

c )a. to gob. goes toc. go to

b )5he your father?

—no, he isn’t.

a. amb. isc. are


b ) at the elephant.

d ) that man?

c )3. nice to meet you.

a )4. let’s play.

e )5. here you are.

b. wow! it’s so big.

c. nice to meet you, too.

d. he’s my father.

e. thanks.


ab b ) 1. where are you froma. ok!

c ) 2. who’s that girlb. i’m from china.

a ) 3. let’s go to the zooc. she’s my friend, amy.

e ) 4. who’s that mand. wow! it’s fat.

d ) 5. look at that monkeye. he’s my teacher.


b )1.如果你见到新朋友,要怎么跟对方招呼?

a. where are you from? b. nice to meet you.

a )2.你想跟大家介绍自己是美国人,要怎么说?

a. i’m from the usa. b. i’m from the uk.

a )3.你想跟家人介绍说这是你的好朋友诶米。应该怎么说?

a. this is my friend, amy. b. this is my sister, amy.

b )4.你想跟朋友表达,这里是一个大身体,应该怎么说?

a. it has a big bodyb. here’s a big body.

b )5.你想让朋友看那只大象,应该怎么说?

a. look at the giraffe. b. look at the elephant.


1.那位男士是谁呀 ?

_who’s___that __man___

2. 我妈妈是一名教师。

my mum is a __teacher___

3. 他是你的爸爸吗?

is __he__ your __father___

4. 看那条鱼。它有条长尾巴和大眼睛。

look at that fish. it has a___long___tail and __big__ eyes.

5. 我们去学校吧。

let’s __go__ to___school_.


1. mother , she’s , my (.

she’s my mother.

2. so , it’s ,tall (.

it’s so tall.

3. the ,from ,uk , i’m (.

i’m from the uk.

4. that , who , man , is (?

who is that man?

5. has, it, ears, big (.

it has big ears.


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