
发布 2022-11-29 17:22:28 阅读 3285



3、sock(复数4、is not(缩写。



3、sock(复数4、is not(缩写。

5、 uncle (对应词6、friend (形容词。


8、put on(反义词10、what about (同义词。


take off make a snowman a new t-shirt

drawing look like which one




4、你怎样寻问别人在画什么?what are you

5、你看去像个男孩?youa boy?



1、 is linda.. a、he b、she c、her

2、are they your parents

a、yes ,they areb、no ,he isn’t

3、they are very kind and

a、friend b、friends c、friendly d、friendes

4、look this picture. it’s very beautiful.

a、for b、at c、to

5、is this your mother

a, yes , he is. b, yes , she is . c no , he isn’t.

6、it’s long.

a, to b, two c, too

7、what his hobby?

a is b are c am

8you like that cap?

a ,are b, do c, can

9、he’s engineer.

a , an b, a c, one

10、i like the white skirt.

a , doesn’t b, don’t c, isn’t


1、who’s hea 、dancing.

2、what’s her hobbyb、he’s my father.

3、are they pandasc、i like blue coat.

4、what do you like to wear? d 、yes ,i do

5、do you like that cape、i make a snowman.

6、what do you do in winter? f、no , they aren’t

六、句型转换:12分x k b 1 . c o m

1、i like the red boots.(一般疑问句)

the red boots?

2、i like the blue jeans.( 改成否定句)

ithe blue jeans.

3、is this your mother ?(做否定回答)

4、he everything can do( 连词成句)

5、put scarf on your please ( 连词成句)

6、like the weather today what’s ( 连词成句。

七、阅读短文,选择正确答案x k b1 . c o m

there are five members in my family --my parents, my brother, my pet

spot and me. my father is a worker. he likes going mother

is a teacher. she teaches chinese in a primary school. she likes designing

clothes. jack is my brother. he likes playing football and singing.

1、 how many members are there in my family ?

a , five b, four c, two.

2、what’s jack’s father’s job?

a , he is an engineer. b, he is a worker.

c, he is a teacher. d, h e is a designer.

3、what’s jack’s mother’s job?

a , she is an engineer. b, she is a worker.

c, she is a teacher. d, she is a designer.

4、what’s my pet’s name?

a , jack b, spot c, tom d ,joy

5does jack like singing?

a , yes , he does. b, yes ,he do. c, no , he doesn’t

d, no, he don’t


科目: 语文

年级: 六

组长: 李超

填表人: 李超



年至学年度第 2 学期)

科目: 语文班级:六(2) 姓名: 李超


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