
发布 2022-11-26 18:10:28 阅读 2546

i 我 i am...i’m我是 i am xiaoming

you 你 you are...you’re...你是 you are andy

he 他 he is...he’s他是 he is jack

she 她 she is..(she’s她是 she is lucy

it 它 it is...it’s它是 it is lucky




my 我的 my book/pen/pencil

your 你的 your book/pen/pencil

句型。1. what is your name? (what’s your name?)你叫什么名字?

什么名字。my name isi am...

what’s your name? my name is tom. i am tom.

2. year 年;岁数数字+years old 几岁(一岁除外)

句型 i’m eight years old i am one year old

how old are you? 你几岁了? 几岁用how old 提问?

几岁 how old are you? i am 9 years old

how old is he? he is two years old

how old is she? she is three years old

复习一下, p2 p3 p5

单词 class 班级 grade 年级

in+class+数字在几班 in+grade+数字在几年级。

i am in class three,grade three 我在三年级三班。

you are in class two 你在二班 you are in class two

she is in grade three 她是三年级。

3. which class are you in? i am in class one

哪一个。which class is he in? 他在哪个班级 he’s in class three

which class is she in? 她在哪个班级 she’s in class four

复习一下, p2 p3 p5

4. want to be 想要成为 want 想要。

i want to be your friend

练习p6 p8

5. my family name is sun 我的姓是孙。

what’s your family name? 你的姓是什么?

6. i am from china. be from 来自于。

she is from china. he is from china

where are you from? 你来自于**?

补全单词。1. ye___r a e b i c a

2. n___me a e b a c o

3. d__ r a oo b ee c ea

4. cla__ a ea b ss c ee

5. _ld a o b e c a

选择。1. my name __mike a is b am c are

2. i’m___class 4. a / b in c on

3. which class are __in ? a you b your c my

4. what __your family name? a am b is c are

5. i’m eight __old a years b year

6. i want to be___friend. a you b your c yours d you

7. how old___you? a is b are c am

8. what __your name? a am b is c are

情景选择。1. 当你想说你是我的好朋友,应说。

a we are good friend b you are my good friend

2. 当你想问新同学的名字,应说。

a what’s your name? b what’s you name?

3. 当你想知道新同学几岁了,应说。

a how old are you? b how are you?

4. 当你想知道小明在几班,应说。

a what grade are you in? b what class are you in?

5. 我五岁了,应说。

a i’m five years old b i’m five year old

6. 你想告诉你的朋友,你在一班应说。

a i am on class 1 b i am in class 1

连词成句。1. am , here, new, i

2. china, i ,from, am

3. harry, is ,name, my

4. class,am ,one, i,in

5. want, to ,be,your, i ,friend

6. ten,old,am,i,years

7. is,name,your ,what

8. in,class,you,are,what

句型转换。1. i am ten (对划线部分提问。

2. my name is peter(对划线部分提问。

3. i am in class three(对划线部分提问。

4. i’m from china.(对划线部分提问。

翻译。1. 你多大了。

2. 你在哪个班级。

3. 我九岁了。

4. 我是新来的。

5. 我想成为你的朋友。

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