
发布 2022-11-26 13:40:28 阅读 8363




1.( ball pie 2.( doll bag 3.( ruler door

4.( this is 5.( seven skirt 6.( time get

7.( make nurse 8.( bird girl 9.( cake wake

10.( drink nice 11.( rubber ruler 12.( sorry close

13.( tree sleep 14.( how cow 15.( out four

16.( run up 17.( book look 18.( here there

19.( lunch under 20.( window wow 21.( parrot make

22.( breakfast eat 23.( picture nice 24.( welcome come

25.( where who 26.( girl pig 27.( desk eleven


1. let __我)open the door.

2. open你的)book, mike.

3. is this你的)new cap.

4. look atmy/ i)skirt.

5. is this __you/your)jacket?

6. it's __me/my)nice skirt.

7. this is an old bike. it's __he)bike.

8. i am __she)friends.

9. would __your)like an english book?

10. close your book and off __我们)go.

11. how old is __他)?

12. _我)am five.

13. what time is __它), please?

14他们)are my brothers.

15. -are these cowsyes他们)are.


1. ifrom australia.

2. shea student.

and tommy friends.

5they your new friends?

6. the girl___jack's sister.

7. _your brother in the classroom?

8. where __your mother? she __at home.

9. whose dress __this?

___my red skirt.

shan's shirt __over there.

12. this __not wang fang's pencil.

13. we __friends.

cat___on the desk.

books___under the table.


1is the woman? she’s my aunt.

2is the apple? it’s red.

3that on the blackboard? it’s a nice picture.

4the ball? it’s under the desk.

5is it? it’s nine o’clock.

6lovelya beautiful bird!

7is my pencil? is it in your book?

8this? he’s mr black.

9is your father? he’s 36.

10is his uncle? he's a teacher.

11are you? i'm fine, thank you.


1.请看黑板,同学们。 pleaseat the

2.听老师讲解,苏海the teacher, su hai.

3.请坐并把书打开。 please sitand open your


you like一个鸡蛋)?

6不要喊叫)in the library.

this your new cap

t sleep in class

想要)a red skirt.


birthday to you! the gift is给你).


13.--is this你的牛奶是的), it is.


your lunch box

15. -你的哥哥在**your brother?

---他在玩具博物馆。 -he's

16.我的书包不在这儿。 my schoolbag

isn't my mum. she's我的阿姨).

18. is it your新外套)?

19.--where are the boys? -they are在那里).



1. jenny is my aunt. (对划线部分提问jenny?

2. is this a crayon?(否定回答) no

3. they are my friends. (一般疑问句)__they __family?

the time? (改为同义句。

ruler is on the table.(否定句。

is my teacher.



7. they’re orange rulers.***单数。

8. these are some english books. ***单数)

9. he is ten. (对划线部分进行提问。

10. it’s nine o’clock. (改为一般疑问句。


1. the, teacher, to, please ,listen(,.


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