
发布 2020-11-24 23:33:28 阅读 4524


1、 别人问“你来自**?”你应说:——

a、where are you from from china c. come in

2.有客人到你家,该说a.watch out c. what’s your name


a.how are you to meet you are you from


a.it’s ok b. you are welcome c. i’m sorry

5.3 月8日是 :—

a. women’s dayb. new year’s day c. teacher’s day

6. 如何介绍你的老师:——

a.i’m from china is my friend is my teacher

7.有人敲门 ,你叫他进来,该如何表达 b. come in c. watch out

do you likea. act like a cat b. i like coke c. me too

many b. i’m ten c. show me ten

is my friend, to meet you old are you

11.别人称赞你很能干,你回答a.no you c. good


a.who’s this boy? this man? c. who’s this girl ?


a.tv go to school watch tc


a.look ,this is my family c. look,this is my friend


a.happy new year teacher’s day c. happy birthday

16.——that woman ? is c .what

17my mother .

my friend mike .

to___you. b. meet

are two___in my house a .woman c,boy

21.__books do you h**e? much b. how many

can count from 1___30. b. two

a bag. b. duck

many caryon___you h**e ? a. are

h**e 2___


a.can i h**e a hamburger b. h**e some hamburger know

27.假如sam 不喜欢吃梨,她可以说:——

a.do you pears? b. yes,i do c. sorry ,i don’t like pears

问miss white ,是否可以吃个苹果,miss white 同意了,她会说:——

a.no, thank you some more


you ,miss white some don’t


a.what about you ? i do you like oranges


a.oh,how nice ! big it your caryon?

32. 你怎样向你的朋友介绍这是你的妹妹。

a. this is my sister. b. this is my new friend lily.


a. how many books do you h**e? b. how many birds can you see?

34. 怎样询问你不认识的女人 a. who's that man? b. who's that woman?

35. 六月第二个星期日是母亲节向你妈妈说什么

a. happy mother’s day. b. happy women’s day.

36. 询问别人来自**应该说

a. what are you from? b. where are you from?


).what’s your name1. i’ m amy .

).how are you2. nice to meet you.

).how old are you3. see you.

).where are you from4. i h**e 10

).nice to meet you5. i’m from canada.

).good bye6. nice to meet you, too.

).this is my friend, amy7. i ‘m fine, thank you.

).how many dogs do you h**e. 8. i’m 10.


)1、a、taxi b、bus c、apple d、jeep

)2、a、eighteen b、sixteen c、ninteen d、some

)3、a、duck b、coke c、coffee d、milk

)4、a、pear b、peach c、orange d、we

)5、a、w b、i c、 f d 、x


1、do you like pears1、i can see twelve.

、where are from2、no, i don’t.

、how many lions can you see3、certainly.

、can i h**e some pears4、i’m from canada.

、who is that man5、he’s my father.


1、school2、sharpener3、bag4、black( )


9、thanks10、kite( )


pep小学三年级英语上册第。一 二单元练习题 2013.12 classnamenomark 一 read and circle.圈出相同的字母。1.a c a o e a 2.b j d q g b 3.h n a h z h 4.q d o q c p 5.u v w u x z 二 write...


童湾小学三年级英语复习题。一 写出相邻字母 5分 eh i k m 二 写出相隔数词 5分 two four six eight ten 三 根据每小题上面的问句或指令,选择正确答语。12 1 here you are.a thank you.b yes,jim.2 what s your name...


姓名分数。一 根据下面情景,选择恰当的选项。10分 1.当别人问你来自 后,应回答说。a.you re welcome.b.i m from america.c my name is li mei.2.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时,应说。a.what a big goose b.how beautif...