
发布 2022-11-26 13:38:28 阅读 9025


this boy b. who’s that boy c. who’s that girl( )2、想询问别人小汽车在**,应怎样问:

a. where’s my car b. where’s my cat c. this is my car.

)3、有人对你说:“i don’t like strawberries.”如果你也不喜欢,你会说:

a. me,neither. b. you’re welcome. c. me, too!( 4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:a.

where are you from b. how are you c. how old are you

)5、当你想和你的好朋友一起回家时,你会说:a. let’s go home. b. let’s play.( 6、你想问sarah有几只蜡笔时,应该问:

a. how many crayons do you h**e b. how many crayons do you seec. i h**e eleven.

)7、当你想祝别人玩开心点,应该说: )8、当你想邀请别人和你一起买一些水果,应该说:a.

let’s buy some fruit. some fruit.( 9、当你想吃一些香蕉时,应该说:

a. can i h**e some bananas some bananas.


a\ look at the giraffe. b、it’s a giraffe .c.

this is a giraffe. at that giraffe.11、( 它有一条长尾巴”你应该说;

a、it has a short tail. b、it’s a short this is a short tail. has a long tail.

12、( 它又矮又胖”,英语怎么说:

a、it’s tall and fat. b、it’s short and fat. c..

it’s short and thin13、( the monkey has a __tail. a、short. b、tall.

c. long.14、( a:

is he your father b: _

a、yes, she is. b、no, he is my teacher. c. no, he is.15、( 它有一个长长的身体,英语怎么说:

a、it has a long body. b、he has a long body. c. it h**e a long body16、( 它又高又瘦,英语怎么说:

a、it has tall and thin. b、it is short and thin. c..

it’s tall and thin17、( 你想问“那个男孩是谁”你应该说:

a、who’s that boy b、who’s that man c. who’s that girl18、( 你要表达“这是我的家。”你应该说。

a、this is my family. b、that is my family. c.

hi, my family.19、( chenjie向你介绍了她的好朋友sarah,你应该说。

a、nice to meet you! b、thank you! c.

glad to see you again.20、( a: is she your mother b:

_a、yes, she is. b、yes, he is. c. no, he isn’t. d no, she is.21、( 你向别人介绍amy,你应该说:

a、she’s amy. b、this is amy. c. it’s amy.

22、( 要表达“我来自加拿大”,你应该说:

a、i’m from the uk. b、i’m from the canada. c. i’m from canada.23、( 你想知道对方是**人,你应该说:

a、what’s your name b、how are you c. where are you from24、( 你想表达“她是一名新学生”你应该说:

a、she’s a new student . b、i’m a new student .c.

this is a new student d she’s a student.25、( 你想表达“他是一名老师”你应该说:

a、he’s a teacher. b、i’m a teacher . c. this is a teacher26、( 当班上来了新同学,你要表达欢迎时,你应该说:

a、welcome b、what’s your name c. good bye.

27、( 有人递给你东西,你要说:a、great! b、ok c、thanks.28当有人问:“你喜欢苹果吗?”,你应说:

a、you’re welcome. b、yes, pleasec、no,i don’t29、( 当你想要一些雪梨的时候,应该这样说:

a、hereyouare. b、let’sh**esomepears. c、canih**esomepears30我喜欢苹果和梨a、i like apples and pears.

b、i like apples and peaches. c、i don’t like apples and pears.31、( 我不喜欢梨。

a、i like pears. b、i like peaches. c、i don’t like pears.

32、( 我们来吃点西瓜吧a、let’s h**e some like watermelons. c、i don’t like watermelons33、( 我能吃一个香蕉么?a、can i h**e a bananab、let’s h**e some bananas.

c、can i h**e some pears34询问别人的盒子里是什么?可以这样说。

a、what’s in your box b、what’sin your pencil-box c、can i h**e a look35、( 有人邀请你一起回家,你应该说a、thank you! b、ok c、sure.

36、( 希望别人可以玩得开心点,你可以这么说。

a、h**e a good time! b、ok c、can i h**e a look

37、( 你想表达让我们一起买点水果吧,可以这样说。

a、let’sbuysomefruit. b、let’sbuysomeapple. c、let’sbuysomefish.38、( 当你想表达不喜欢吃葡萄,可以这样说:

a、sorry . i don’t like grapes. b、sorry .

i don’t like apples..c、sorry . i like grapes.

39、( 表达我也不喜欢这种水果时可以这样说:

a、me , neither. b、sorry . i like apples..

c、sorry . i like grapes.40、( 表达那个黑色的是一只鸟,你可以这样说:

a、the black one is a bird.. b、the black one is a black one is a bear.

41、( 让别人看你的新蜡笔!,你可以这样说:

a、lookatmynewpens! b、lookatmynewcrayons!. c、lookatmynewbooks!42、( 当看到别人的新东西时,你可以这样说:

a、wow,look at my new crayons! b、oh, how nice!. c、look at my new books!

43、( 询问别人有多少只蜡笔,你可以这样说:

a、how many crayons do you h**e b、how many crayons do you seec、that’s right!


a、how many kites do you h**e b、how many kites do you see

c、i see eighteen.


1 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问 this boy?b.who s that boy?c.who s that girl?2 想询问别人小汽车在 应怎样问 a.where s my car?b.where s my cat?c.this is my car.3 有人对你说 i don t li...


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