
发布 2022-11-26 09:37:28 阅读 5365



1. f 2. b 3. r 4. y 5. q


1. i’m a boy. i’m short. 2. i’m a panda, i’m thin.

3. we’re dogs. we’re small. 4. i’m xiaomei. i don’t like books.

5. i like football.


1. my f**ourite colour is black.

2. i don’t like riding my bike.

3. that tree is tall.

4. pass me the pencil.

5. what’s that?--it’s the letter b.


1. i’m susan. i like skipping.

2. i’m daming. i like football.

3. i’m xiaohong. i like morning exercises.

4. i’m sam. i like swimming.

5. i’m tom. i like basketball.


1. tom, what’s you f**ourite letter?--it’s h.

question: what’s tom’s f**ourite letter.

2. do you like football, amy?--no, i like skipping.

question: what does amy like?

3. what’s this. -it’s a tiger. question: what’s this?

4. lucy, what’s your f**ourite colour? -my f**ourite colour is red.

question: what’s lucy’s f**ourite colour?

5. tom, where’s my book? -it’s on the desk.

question: where’s the book?


hello, i’m xiaobei. i like animals. look, this is an elephant.

it is tall. this is a tiger. it’s big.

this is a monkey. it’s thin. this is a cat.

it’s fat. and look, that is a bird. it’s small.


小学三年级上学期英语质量检测试题。听力材料。units 1 2 一 听录音,选出合适的一项,把代号填入题前括号内。1.hi!2.bag 3.ruler 4.school 5.good 6.brown 7.white 8.crayon 9.my name s chen jie.10.good afte...


东城区2011 2012学年度第一学期小学过程性教学质量。评估试卷三年级英语第一 第四单元听力材料。第2单元。一 听录音,连线。再找到国旗所对应的国家。1.jack is from canada.2.ted is from singapore.3.tina is from england.4.vic...


小学三年级上学期英语质量检测试题。听力材料。units 1 2 一 听录音,选出合适的一项,把代号填入题前括号内。1.hi!2.bag 3.ruler 4.school 5.good 6.brown 7.white 8.crayon 9.my name s chen jie.10.good afte...