
发布 2021-05-16 10:24:28 阅读 5370





w:how do you do?

m:how do you do?

w:what’s your name?

m:my name is tom.

w:how old are you?

m: i’m 13 years old.


第一题: 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的a、b、c三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。

no.1. it’s impolite to make noise when you’re eating food.

no.2. mr. smith wants to h**e a talk with you.

no.3. name the topic of your poem in one word.

no.4. i’ve just started writing my report.

no.5. i like sports. so does my brother.


no.6. h**e you ever been to the great wall, michael?

no.7. would you like to come over to my house for dinner?

no.8. how about visiting shanghai next month?

no.9. tom, it’s the third time that you’ve been late this week.

no.10. could you stop ****** such mistakes again?


no.11. w: which t-shirt would you like better, the red one or the white one?

m: i can’t decide which one to buy. but i won’t take both. i’ll buy either of them.

q: how many t-shirts will the man buy?

no.12. w: is the question “how old are you?” very common in your country, li ming?

m: yes, we can ask each other’s age.

w: but in canada we only ask children their ages.

q: whose age can people ask in canada?

no.13. w: i’ll send mary a postcard from canada when i’m on holiday there.

m: i’m sure she will be glad to get one. she has a collection of cards from all over the world.

q: what do we learn about mary?

no.14. w: what do you play in your free time, the violin or the piano?

m: neither. i play the flute every day. i like playing it very much.

q: what does the boy play every day?

no.15. w: oh! you bought lots of meat and vegetables! are they cheap?

m: no. steve likes dumplings. i’ll make some for him at noon.

q: what will steve h**e for lunch?



w: hi, bill. would you like to play basketball?

m: i’d love to, but i h**e too much homework. i wish i could clone myself to help me.

w: how cool it would be! what’s the name of your clone?

m: just call him bill. what do you want to clone?

w: i want to clone my pet cat.


no.16. what does bill want his clone to do?

no.17. what does the girl want to clone?


maggie is a very famous singer. she is now in beijing. she came to beijing for the first time last year.

this is her second time to beijing. there were four singers in her band last year. but now there are only three left, because one of the singers is ill in hospital.

maggie likes outdoor sports. she often goes swimming in her free time. but she prefers climbing mountains.


no.18. is this maggie’s first visit to beijing?

no.19. how many singers are there in the band now?

no.20. what does maggie like doing better?



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