
发布 2022-11-26 05:18:28 阅读 3677


i like animals very much, my f**orite animal is dog, but my mother doesnotlikedogs,shelikescatsbest,soweh**eacatnamed(名字叫) is very lovely but some times(有时)it makes me angry(生气的),so i do not like it.判断正误,正(√)误(×)

)1. i do not like animals.()2.

we h**e a dog named mili.()3. my mother likes cats.

()4. i like cats, too.()5.

i do not like mili.(12)

tom: look. i’m short and fat.

jerry: ha, ha! i’m short and fat, how old are you?

jerry: i’m nine. how about you?tom: i’m eight.

判断对错,正(√)误(×)1. tom is short and fat.( 2.

jerry is thin.( 3. tom is eight.

( 4..jerry is nine.(13)

gao wei: hello!kate: 1

gao wei: my name’s gao 2

gao wei: 3

kate: glad to meet you ,too.


)1. a. hi!b. good morning!

)2. .a.

my name’s kate. b. i’m gaowei.

()3. a. how are you?

b. glad to meet you.


li yan : hello, peter. is this 1 pencil?

peter : 2, it isn’t. maybe(可能)it’s tom’ yan :

hello, tom. is this your pencil?tom :

yes. thank 3 .li yan :

that’s 4 .

选词填空(请注意在横线上填a或b序号)1. a. you b.

your2. a. yes.

b. no.3.

a. you b. your4.

a. ok b. ok(15)

hi,myfriends!墙) door is pink. the window is orange.

the desk is purple. there is apicture on the wall. i like it very much.

根据你所看到的短文内容填写单词1. the window __green.2.

the walls are3. this is my16)

on the computer(计算机).he likes apples. his f**ourite(喜欢的)food is hamburger.根据短文判断对(t)错(f)

) 1. he has small eyes.

) 2. he likes playing on the computer.( 3. his f**ourite food is noodles.(17)

amy: sam, let’s go to school.

where’s my pencil-box?amy: what colour is your pencil-box?sam: blue and white.

amy: look! it’s over there, on the thank you.


) 1. sam and tom go to school.

) 2. sam has a blue and white pencil-box.( 3. the pencil-box is on the desk.


sam: this is my what’s his name?

sam: his name is bob.

amy: hi, bob. nice to meet nice to meet you, how old are you?bob: i’m five.

阅读理解并选择合适的选项1. bob is sam’s

a. sister b. brother2. bob is aa. boy b. girl

3. bob is __years three b. five.(19)

my f**ourite sport(运动) is basketball. i like basketball. so play basketball?


)1 . my f**ourite sport is football.( 2 . i play basketball very well.

)3 . my friends don’t like to play with me.(20)

lucy: hi, andy. i h**e a toy(玩具) really? what colour is it?lucy: white.

andy: good. i h**e a toy bus.

it’s let’s play together. ok?andy:

good idea.判断下列句子正(√)误1. andy has a toy car.

( 2. andy’s toy bus is yellow.( 3.

lucy has a toy car.( 4. lucy’s toy car is white.






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