
发布 2022-11-03 04:51:28 阅读 2975

七年级上册unit 8 when is your birthday ?

section a 1a-1c


1a-1c主要从when is your birthday入手,引入常见的日期表达。通过询问生日的对话练习,逐步掌握january ,february ,march….december等十二个月份的表达。


重点词汇:when ,month , january ,february ,march ,april ,may ,june ,july , august , september , october , november ,december

句型:—when is your birthday, mike?

—my birthday is on june 3rd.

1. 学会用句型when is your birthday提问以及回答;

2. 熟练掌握一年中十二个月份的英文表述;


熟练地运用when引导的疑问句,理解when和what time的异同,灵活运用日期的表达。


1. 课堂讨论。

2. 小组合作学习。



日常问候:good morning /afternoon, class. good morning teacher. ok, sit down please.


教学内容:1. 首先听录音,并跟读。

2. 进入对话:when is your birthday? my birthday is on ….

语法延伸:1) 询问时间when, 此外还有what time,二者之间的异同如下:

a) 询问做某事的具体时间(钟点)时,两者可以相互替换,如:

when/what time do you go to school?你什么时候去学校?

i go to school at seven o’clock. 我七点钟去上学。

when/what time do you usually get up?你通常什么时候起床?

i usually get up at half past five.我通常五点半起床。

b) 询问钟表显示的具体时间时,只能用what time,不能用when,如:

what time is it,jack? 杰克,几点了?

it’s eight thirty.八点半。

c) 询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间时只能用when,不能用what time。如:

when is your birthday, john? 约翰,你生日是哪一天?

my birthday is on february 6th. 我的生日是二月六日。

when is the teachers’ day? 教师节是哪一天?

it’s on september 10th. 九月十日。

2) 日期的书写格式:

a) 日,月,年 8th,march,2009/ 8 march,2009 (英式)

b) 月,日,年 march 8th,2009/ march 8,2009 (美式)

3) 序数词:

1—10:first ,second ,third ,fourth ,fifth , sixth, seventh ,eighth ,ninth ,tenth.

11—20 : eleventh , twelfth , thirteenth , fourteenth , fifteenth , sixteenth , seventeenth , eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth

3. 听录音,为对话编号。听后引申:

a) 在星期几、具体日期、某一天以及某一天的上午、下午和晚上前面都用on

例:on may 1st , on sundays , on the evening of may 1st

b) 在某年、某月以及早上、下午、晚上的前面都用in

例:in may , in 2009 , in the moring/afternoon/evening

c) 在某个时刻用at

例:at seven thirty , at noon

4. 练习对话,并与同桌编新的对话。


1. 熟练掌握询问生日的用语,以及日期的表述。

2. 相关介词in, on, at的用法。

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