
发布 2022-10-28 12:38:28 阅读 6128


一、 本节课知识点梳理。

一) 肯定句改一般疑问句的方法:

三步走。第一步:看句中有没有be 动词,如句中有be 动词(am/ is/ are)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。


如: i'm in class 2grade 1. →are you in class 2grade 1﹖

we're watching tv. →are you watching tv﹖

第二步:看有没有情态动词,如果有情态动词(can, may, must …)可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。

如: he can swim now. →can he swim now﹖

the children may come with us. →may the children come with us﹖

第三步:既没有be 动词,也没有情态动词,借助于助动词,要在句首加do,does或did, 句中动词还原。如:

he does well in pe. →does he do well in pe?

i like these animals. →do you like these animals﹖

she wants to go to the movies. →does she want to go to the movies﹖

注意: some 改成 any and 改成or

(二) 肯定句改否定句的方法。

1、 在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not, was not, were not;

2、 在can,should, will等后加not。如:cannot, should not, will not;

3、 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。

注意:1) some 改成any and 改成or



练习:1. he found his pen under his desk.

2. we must go to the meeting right now.

wrote him a letter last week.

missed the bus.

missed the bus.

6. he does some morning exercise every morning.

man drank a cup of tea here a moment ago.

has a brother and a sister.

9nancy is going to climb the hill.

sister sings beautifully.

三)对划线部分提问 (特殊疑问句 )



如: who is singing in the room﹖ whose bike is broken﹖


步骤: ①确定疑问词:用适当的疑问词(who , whose , what , how, how many , when ,why)来提问,②将剩余部分改为一般疑问句 (如果剩余部分为动词或动词短语,则用do代替,句前加what,再改为一般疑问句)

1. we celebrate halloween in the usa.

2. halloween is my f**ourite festival.

3. we h**e a special party at halloween.

4. we play a game for halloween?

5. the game is called “trick or treat”.

6. we wear special costumes.

7. we paint our faces, so people do not know who we are.

8. we make our own special pumpkin lanterns for halloween.

9. my family always h**e a party on the evening of october 31st.

party starts at about 8



1. she is in the kitchen. (改为一般疑问句。

2. they are in the bedroom. (改为否定句。

3. is it in the classroom? (作否定回答。

4. are they near the desk? (作否定回答。

5. my books are in the bag. (就划线部分提问。

6. it is time to go to school. (变成否定句。

7. tom watches tv every evening. (改为否定句。

8. i do my homework every day. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答。

9. she likes milk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答。

10. john comes from canada. (对划线部分提问。


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