
发布 2022-09-30 08:35:28 阅读 7007

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) 1. a. went b. want c. played d. cooked

) 2. a. his b. her c. she d. your

) 3. a. was b. is c. am d. are

) 4. a. thin b. long c. tall d. fly

) 5. a. small b. better c. bigger d. shorter


1. h**e a sore throat2.感冒。

3. watch tv4.发烧。

5. buy presents6.学英语。

7. play the piano8.踢足球。

9. wash clothes10.听**。

四单项选择: (每小题2分,共30分)

) how do you go to school? jim: .

go to school by can go by the no.13 bus. c. yes,i do. d. no,i don’t.

) can i get to the bookstore? zhang:

go to school by bike. go to school on foot.

can go by the no.17 bus. go to work by train.

) is the library? policeman:

is a hospital in the middle. there isn’t.

c. yes, there is. d. it’s in front of the school.

( )4. stop __a red light. a. in b. on c. at d. to

)5. how can i get __the park? a. in b. on c. at d. to

)6. i __go to school by bike. but sometimes i go by bus.

a. sometimes b. usually c. today d. yesterday

( )7. turn right __the museum. a. in b. on c. at d. to

( )8. there are __traffic lights. a. one b. two c. three d. four

)9 is it far __herea. in b. on c. from d. for

( )10. walk straight __three minutes. a. in b. on d. for

)11. what __your mother going to do? a. is b. are d. be

)12 the science museum is the left. a. on b. at c. in d. for

)13 the post office is east the cinema. a. at b. of c. in d. on

)14the park is front of our school. a. on b. in c. at d. under

)15 how he go to the post office? a. do b. did c. does d. go


1. are what going you to do (?

2. can go how to hospital the i (?

3. the where library is (?

4. go i by to bike school (

5. going are when you (?

六。按要求改写句子: (每小题2分,共10分)

can go to the park on foot.***否定句)

drive on the left side in england. ***一般疑问句)

go to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)

4.they are going to the great wall on saturday.( 对划线部分提问)

is going to read a magazine.( 对划线部分提问)

七.根据中文完成下列句子: (每空1分,共15分)

1.我妈妈经常走路去上班my mother often

2.在博物馆那里向右拐,然后直走。 at the museum,then go straight.


4.你们准备什么时候爬山you climb mountains?


the no.17 bus.

east for three minutes.

the white building on the left.

from the bus stop in front of our school.

off at the post office.

九阅读理解。 (10分)

everyone in mr brown’s family is busy this weekend. mr brown is going to thebank in the morning. mrs brown is going to buy some food.

their daughter ann is going to finish her homework. ann’s brother tom is going to play computer games. and then,thery’re going to visit their grandparents in the afternoon.

they’re going to go by subway ,bucause the brown’s house is far from theirs.


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