
发布 2022-09-25 16:38:28 阅读 4128




_d _m



)1.——do you like candies

does. do is

) the monkey __bananas?

)3.——does he like cookies? —yes,__

is so does

)4.——what do you like

like apple like tea i do

)5it likes fish.

does it like ? it like fish ? it likes fish ?

) is my english book

it under the math book. is my english book.

)7they are here,on the floor.

is the skirt ? b. where are the skirt ? c. where are the skirts ?

)8.——where __my trousers?——they’ re in the box.

)9.——put your eraser __your pencil—box.

)10.——coat is this ? it’s my teacher’s.

)11.——what are those in the desk

are four b. they are books c. there are books

)12there are seventeen.

are the bananas? much are the bananas? many are the bananas?

)13.——what is six and six ?—they’re __

)14.——what’s near the chair ? there is __fan.

)15.——how many students are thereeighteen.

is are are



does he likeb. what do you like ?


a. i like the candies. many candies


a. let’s eat cakes. is a cake.


a. let me lookb. let me see.


a. i’m me.


a. where is my socks? b. where are my socks?


a. put the pencil in the box. is your pencil?


a. what’s in your schoolbag? are many books.


a. it’s many chairs.


a. there is a ruler under the chair. b. there is a ruler near the chair.


) does your father like ? aren’t.

) bananas are these? isn’t.

) is my cap? under the chair.

) it in the box? likes fish very much.

) there five fans here? are my sister’s.



)—thank you very much.


)—how many crayons do you h**e?

)—excuse me,can i use your crayons?

)—eighteen crayons. here are they,in my desk.


2011 2012学年八七七子校三年级第三次月考。班级姓名。一 看拼音写汉字。16分 gu ju g o gu n m n yu n qu n n ng h u x n ch j ni n t o hu ng h n zh n d s j n j n y ng xi ng c ng b i yu n...


三年级数学第三次月考质量分析。一 试题情况概述 为了了解学生近段时间的学习情况,以及以后数学学习能力和良好学习习惯的形成,现就本次试卷情况进行分析本试卷的试题题量适中,紧扣大纲要求,重视基础知识。试题的难易适中,出题全面。通过不同的出题形式,全面的考查了学生的计算能力 观察能力和判断能力以及综合运用...


小学三年级数学月考试卷。一 填一填。1.56是7的 倍,45的8倍是 2.0与任何数相乘都得 1与任何数相乘都得 3 从 这四张卡片中选数字组成算式计算结果,得数最小是 最大是 4的商是 位数,最高位是 16 50的积的末尾有 个0。5 52 6的商是三位数,里面有 种不同的填法。7 48 这道题余...