
发布 2022-09-09 18:52:28 阅读 3331

咱给的英语材料:陈小华a;程世波b; 乐亮伟c;李文全d

引入话题:陈小华:it is a good day we get together and discuss with each other.

李文全:yeah,i can not agree more. 程世波,do you read any books these days?

程世波: yes, recently i am reading a book, which is about the topic of(引入话题)

乐亮伟:what is your opinion about ( i am interested in it too.


程世波: from the point of my view,。。表达观点

李文全:i am in f**or of your opinion. i think that。。。表达观点。

乐亮伟:your point is very reasonable。as far as i am concerned。。。表达观点。

陈小华:the ideas of you are all very good. and i am inclined to think that (华姐可以举例子了)

结束对话:程世波:now, time is up, shall we finish our topic?

乐亮伟:ok. i am looking foreword to h**e another cooperation.

陈小华:see you next time.

李文全:see you next time.

你的观点很有道理: your point is very reasonable (persuasive ,thought-provoking, profound ,comprehensive and so on )

我想说一下另一方面:i would like to talk the other side of this issue.

你能在说一下吗,我没跟上:could you repeat it ? i couldn’t follow you just now.

一般会说道的话就是:”what do you think?" what do you believe that you'll do?

" 什么)is so cool." i love how you say it." 你可以赞美别人。

like: "wow, you are so amazing!" your words totally inspired me!

" thanks a lot!"

如果让另外个人说,就说:”what's your opinion?" do you h**e any ideas?" tell me what you think."

当别人问你问题听不懂时,就说:”sorry, i couldn't understand what you mean. can you make yourself clearer?

" or "thanks, but i don't think i can answer your question."

老师问你问题你不会:”well, i can't understand what you're talking about. 请重复:

”could you please repeat?" 一定要说:”thank you!

"技巧: 别太紧张,注意声音不要发抖。 remember to act normally!

祝你好运! good luck

1 patterns for discussion and debate asking for an opinion 1. well, what do you think of that? 2.

what’s your opinion? 3. how do you feel about that?

4. do you agree? 5.

don’t you agree? 6. do you think that’s a good idea?

7. you know what i mean? 8.

tell me what you think. 9. so what do you suggest?

10. are you for or against that? giving an opinion 1.

personally i think… 2. as i see it, …3. in my opinion, …4.

my opinion is that… 5. from my point of view… 6. as far as i am concerned, …7.

it seems to me that… 8. i’m inclined to think that… agreeing 1. you’re absolutely right.

2. i couldn’t agree more. 3.

i totally agree with you. 4. good idea.

5. sure. 6.

absolutely. 7. you can say that again.

8. that’s just what i want to say. 9.

you’ve got a good point there. 10. i’m on your side.

11. that’s sounds perfect. 12.

that really makes sense. 13. i see what you mean.

14. no one wants to deny it. 15.

me too. disagreeing 1. are you crazy/kidding?

2. you must be joking! 3.

that’s absurd/ridiculous! 4. nonsense/rubbish!

5. i disagree, i’m afraid. 2 6.

i don’t think so. 7. i’m sorry i don’t agree with you.

8. i’m sorry but i should say i’m not with you there. 9.

well, we obviously h**e different opinion about it. 10. i don’t think you h**e touched the point.

11. i’m not sure that’s a good idea. 12.

that’s your opinion, not mine. 13. well, it depends.

14. i’m not really sure you are right. 15.

that may be true, but… partially agreeing 1. that seems like a good idea. 2.

i guess that’s a good idea. 3. to a certain extent i agree with you.

4. i guess so. 5.

i partly agree. 6. maybe you are right.

7. maybe so. 8.

maybe. asking for reasons 1. why?

2. why not? 3.

why do you say that? 4. why do you think so?

5. what’s your reason for saying that? asking for clarification 1.

i don’t quite understand what you mean. would you please say that again? 2.

i’m not quite clear on what you mean by… 3. i’m not quite following you. 4.

i’m not sure i get it. 5. what are you trying to say?

6. what do you mean? 7.

pardon? 8. would please repeat what you said just now?

giving clarification 1. what i’m trying to say is that… 2. what i mean is that… 3.

let me put it this way… 4. in other words… 5. i mean…


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1 就我所知 as far as i know,to my knowledge 2 在我看来 from my point of view,in my view opinion personal judgment,it seems to me that 3 关于,就 而言 in reference t...