
发布 2022-09-07 19:12:28 阅读 2355

(i)there are lots of great places in the town which you can eat without 1. _

spending too much because of i'm always short of money! there are also some 2. _

place where it costs a lot, so don't forget to read the menu before going in. 3. _

the first place is gino's. it's an italian restaurant where serving the usual things 4. _

like pizzas and spaghetti. it's really cheaply and very friendly. then there's 5. _

black's bistro. this is a caféwhich is opened all day and you can eat anything 6. _

there from toast, sandwiches, salads, burgers and full meals. again it's not 7. _

expensive and is very popular with young people. and finally, how about 8. _

peppers? go there if you want some really nourishing mexican food. mexica 9. _

food can be bit hot, but you can choose dishes which are milder too. 10. _

ii)it is one thing to land science instruments on mars; however, it is quite 1. _

another to establish a base for humans to explore planet. daytime temperatures 2. _

can be rise above freezing, but, because of the extremely thin atmosphere, 3. _

the sun heat radiates back into space. even at the equator, the temperature 4. _

drops -50℃at night. in fact, there is no ozone(臭氧) layer to keep out 5. _

ultr**iolet(紫外线的)radiation, and hardly some oxygen for either breathing 6. _

and burning conventional fuels. but despite all these problems, scientists are 7. _

currently working transport and clothing for mars and an artificial environment 8. _

in which colonists could live. however, the potential cost make the idea of 9. _

human life on mars nothing other than a fantastic dream. 10. _


(i) 引导定语从句,修饰表地点的先行词town, where在定语从句中作状语。2.去掉of。

because后面接从句,而because of后面接短语。3. place→places。


现在分词短语作定语,where多余。5. cheaply→cheap。

cheap和friendly是并列的形容词作表语。6. opened→open。

open本身即形容词。7. and→to。


9. mexica→mexican。形容词作定语。

10. bit前加a。a bit是固定词组,在句中作状语,修饰hot。

(ii) 1. science→scientific。应该用形容词作定语。

2. planet前加the。planet前用定冠词,特指mars。

3.去掉be。can rise在本句中表"气温上升"。

4. sun→sun's。名词所有格作定语,修饰heat。

后加to。drop to表"下降到"。6.

some→any。在表否定意义的副词hardly后面用any, hardly any oxygen意为"几乎没有任何氧气"。7.


work on是固定词组,表"研究"。9. make→makes。


短文改错 the day before the speech contest(比赛)english teacher 1

talked to me. she saide that she and my schoolmate all 2

wished me success, but it didn’t matter that i would 3

win or not. when i was on the stage the next day, i felt so4

nervous as i shook like a leaf. there were so many people 5

present! suddenly, i caught a sight of my english teacher in 6

the crowd. she was smiling but nodding at me. i remembered 7

her words and calm down, i did a good jobm and won the first 8

prize. now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. 9

whenever i see them i will often think of my english teacher. 10

解析。1. my english。

该题考查代词,绝大部分考生知道english teacher前少一个词语,但很多人都误加上了our, an或the,而后面两次出现my english teacher,因而本题实际考查学生对文章内容的理解。


一 听力。拿到试卷之后,要充分利用好听录音之前的时间和听各段对话之间的间隔时间读一遍题目和全部选项,做到心中有数,然后边听 边理解 边记录 边推测 边选择。听语篇时,要抓住要素,即 事件 时间 人物 地点 数字等,以便较好地理解和回忆全篇故事,保持良好的心态,切忌因急躁而影响听后面的内容。即使有的题...


把握高考英语 向五大题型要高分。听力。考生必须立刻适应和熟悉录音的语音 语调 语流甚至还有口音 尽力使自己进入收听和理解英语的精神状态中。听的时候,注意力要紧跟说话人的思路。碰到暂时没听懂的地方不要着急,重要的是听懂全文,正确回答问题。所以遇此情况要毫不迟疑地跳过难点,紧跟下文。对话中的重要词句也许...


把握高考英语 向五大题型要高分。听力。考生必须立刻适应和熟悉录音的语音 语调 语流甚至还有口音 尽力使自己进入收听和理解英语的精神状态中。听的时候,注意力要紧跟说话人的思路。碰到暂时没听懂的地方不要着急,重要的是听懂全文,正确回答问题。所以遇此情况要毫不迟疑地跳过难点,紧跟下文。对话中的重要词句也许...