
发布 2022-09-07 19:11:28 阅读 8075


part one---object 宾语。

一. 宾语的种类。


1. 直接宾语---绝大多数及物动词都跟有直接宾语,动词词组也跟有宾语,表示动作的对象、承受者或后果。

we love our motherland.我们热爱祖国。

they robbed a bank. 他们抢劫了一家银行。

then he composed a symphony.此后他谱写了一首交响曲。

who put forward the suggestion? 这建议是谁提出的?

2. 间接宾语---双宾语后可跟两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,间接宾语表示动作是向某人或为某人做的。

my wife sends you her greeting.

he bought himself a new tie.

3. 复合宾语---是由两部分构成的宾语,后面部分可称为宾语的补语。

they asked him to speak at the meeting.

she saw a girl w**ing to her.

my kids never heard the song sung in italian.

二. 宾语表示法。


1. 名词。

may i see your passport? 我能看看你的护照吗?

fasten your seatbelts, please.请系好安全带。

2. 代词。

do you h**e anything to declare? 你有什么东西申报吗?

give me some.给我一点。

3. 数词。

let me h**e one or two.给我一两个。

they laid off one-third of the workers.他们暂时解雇了三分之一工人。

4. 名词化的形容词。

success goes to the determined. 有志者事竟成。

respect the old and cherish the young.敬老爱幼。

5. 动名词。

stop acting like a child. 别像小孩一样。

do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?

6. 不定式。

he tried not to offend her.他设法不得罪她。

they asked to see his id card. 他们要求验看他的身份证。

7. 复合结构。

i find this weather very trying. 我发现这种天气很难受。

he had his passport visaed for south korea. 他在护照上盖了去韩国的签证。

8.从句。i’ll see that you get a good seat.我一定设法让你有一个好座位。

i don’t understand what you mean. 我不懂你的意思。


it 可用作先行宾语,借助它把真正的宾语放到句子后部去,特别是用在一些复合宾语中。it 可以。


she found it difficult to convince him. 她感到很难让他自信。

he thought it best to be cautious. 他认为最好小心行事。

he felt it his duty to take good care of them. 他感到好好照顾他们是他的责任。

he made it a rule to do an hour’s work in the garden every day. 他给自己规定每天在花园里干一小时的活。

代表that 引导的从句(that 有时省略)

i took it for granted that you would be coming.我想当然地认为你会来的。

you can put it that it was arranged before. 你可以说这是以前安排的。

三. 宾语从句。

1. 由that 引导的宾语从句。

i know she was against us. 我知道她反对我们。

i felt that she had a strong will.我感到她有坚强的意志。

who can guarantee that he’ll keep his word? 谁能保证他会遵守诺言。

2. 由连接代词或副词引导的从句。

she was curious to know where we had been.她很想知道我们去了**。

write me how you got home. 写信告诉我你怎么到家的。

she inquired why he had not thought of that before.她问他为什么以前没想到这一点。

only you can decide who is the best choice.只有你能决定谁是最佳人选。

i wonder what you call these flowers.我想知道你把这些花叫做什么。

3.whether 和if也常用来引导宾语从句。

i don’t know whether you like flowers.不知道你是否喜欢花。

i wonder whether you would mind doing me a f**or.不知你是否介意帮我一个忙。

i asked her if i might call and see her. 我问她是否可以去看她。

4.由what 引导的从句。

show me what you’ve bought. 把你买的东西给我看看。

she began to criticize what i had done. 她开始批评我做的事。

as a friend of yours, i want to tell you what i hear. 作为你的朋友,我想把听到的事告诉你。

h**e you got what you wanted? 你要的东西得到了吗?

5. 由whatever, whichever, whomever引导的宾语从句。

i will do whatever you wish. 我将做你想我要做的任何事。

i’ll just say whatever comes to my head. 我想到什么就说什么。

buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。

take whichever seat you like. 你想坐哪儿就坐哪儿。

give it to whomever you like.你愿意把它给谁就给谁。

she can marry whoever she chooses.她想和谁结婚就可以和谁结婚。

第九课。part one---attribute 定语。

一. 定语表示法。


1. 形容词。

it’s a fine (windy, rainy, warm) day. 这是一个晴朗(刮风、下雨、暖和)的日子。

he’s a sensible (kind, selfish, cruel) man. 他是一个有头脑(善良、自私、残酷)的人。

2. 代词和限定词。

whose child is it? 这是谁的孩子?

help yourself to some more fish. 再吃一点鱼。

3. 数字。

there are twenty students in our class. 我们班上有二十名学生。

is it your first visit to japan? 你是第一次到日本?

4. 名词或名词所有格。

she is a college graduate. 她是大学毕业生。

what’s your government’s attitude towards the problem? 你们**对此态度如何?

5. 分词。

these are the roads leading to the beach. 这些是通往海滨的路。

he disapproved of the proposed conference. 他不赞成提议召开的会议。

6. 不定式。

she was quiet for days to come. 在以后的这些天中她都沉默寡言。

i’ve something important to discuss with you. 我有一件重要的事情要和你商谈。

7. 介词短语。

he is absorbed in his work on bacteria. 他专心于他的细菌研究。

who is that girl with a pigtail? 那个梳辫子的女孩是谁?

8. 副词。

h**e nothing special on tonight. 今晚我没有什么特别活动。

on my way home, i continued angry with betty. 在回家的路上我继续生贝蒂的气。

9. 定语从句。

is there anything i can do for you? 有什么事我可以帮你做吗?

she’s a girl everyone likes. 她是个人人都喜欢的姑娘。

二. 定语从句。


1. 大多数定语从句对所修饰的意思加以限制,表示”….的人(或东西),称为限制性定语从句,如:

the man who robbed him has been arrested. 抢劫他的人被逮捕了。

the girl whom i saw told me to come back today. 我见到的那个姑娘叫我今天再来。

that’s the best hotel that i know. 这是我所知道的最好的旅馆。

these are the books which you ordered. 这些是你订购的书。

2. 这类从句多由关系代词或关系副词引导:

everyone who knew him liked him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。

the friend with whom i was tr**eling spoke french. 和我一道旅行的那位朋友能**语。


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