
发布 2022-09-07 07:49:28 阅读 4872




命题或审题单位: 黑龙江东亚学团职业高中命题或审题人: 张丹

联系**: 189***教材版本语文出版社)


)1. deng yaping is regarded as national pride.

a. 自夸 b. 自满 c. 宝贝 d. 骄傲。

)2. the olympic games is a time for people to unite in peace.

a. 安静 b. 平和 c. 平静 d. 和平。

)3. they continue to exist under the surface.

a. 存在 b. 继续 c. 消失 d. 出现。

)4. beautiful plants are carefully protected.

a. 种植 b. 拜访 c. 奉献 d. 保护。

)5. he sat with a huge box of popcorn.

a. 巨大的 b. 伟大的 c. 宏伟的 d. 微小的。

)6. many guests choose to stay in hotels.

a. 饭店 b. 旅馆 c. 餐厅 d. 商店。

)7. did you play volleyball?

a. 足球 b. 篮球 c. 排球 d. 羽毛球。

)8. he stared at the ceiling.

a. 俯视 b. 仰视 c. 盯着看 d. 注视。

)9. it’s useful to watch tv.

a. 无用的 b. 有用的 c. 废弃的 d. 宝贵的。

)10. which two falls h**e the closest heights?

a. 长度 b. 宽度 c. 高度 d. 体积。

ii. choose the best answer.(单项选择,选择最佳答案。)(每小题2分,共40分。)

)11. -i don’t know to go.

--by plane, of course.

)12. i can’t go with you now. this work at once.

a. must done b. must do c. must be done d. can do

)13. china its silk trade.

a. is famous for b. is famous of c. is well-known d. is as famous as

)14. welcome to our school. let me you each other.

a. introduce, to b. ask, to c. to introduce, to d. get, to

)15. i hope you don’t mind you all this.

a. to tellb. tellc. to be telling d. my telling

)16. the you study, the mark you’ll get.

a. hard, highb. harder, higher

c. hardest, highestd. more harder, more higher

)17. on holidays, he took a sunbath the beach every day.

a. inb. atc. ond. over

)18. let’s make a big campfire, ?

a. will web. shall we c. don′t we d. are we

)19. when i arrived, the concert .

a. had begun b. has begun c. begand. was beginning

)20. the teacher was quite my answer to his question.

a. satisfying with b. satisfactory c. satisfy with d. satisfied with

)21. girls work in restaurants are called waitresses.

a. whob. whomcd. whose

)22. the woods park is park that we come here once a month.

a. so lovely b. too lovely c. such a lovely d. very lovely

)23. -must i lock the door before i le**e?

no, you .

a. mustn’tb. may notc. can’td. needn’t

)24. with many students, she was indeed very clever.

a. comparedb. comparing c. to compare d. compares

)25. the teacher g**e all the students′ exercise books.

a. inb. upc. outd. to

)26. education is a bridge a better life.

a. forb. betweenc. withd. to

)27. this is my subject.

a. most f**orite b. f**oritest c. f**orite d. more f**orite

)28. to , his lecture is so boring that i can’t help dozing off.

a. speak the truth b. tell the truth c. tell true d. speak true.

)29. after you get off the bus, the road and walk straight .

a. across, in b. cross, on c. through, in d. pass, down

a. howb. whenc. whered. why

)30. it’s about walk from my home to my office.

a. ten minute b. ten-minutes’ c. ten minutes d. ten minutes’

iii. close the text.(完型填空。)(每小题1分,共10分。)

people h**e their own choice for transportation. some like to tr**el 31 plane. it’s comfortable.

it certainly takes 32 time. but it is expensive and there is not 33 view to enjoy. some like to 34 by train.

it makes you feel relaxed on 35 trip. you can enjoy the view by 36 out of the window. it is safe though it is 37 plane.

it’s comfortable. some always take buses 38 tr**eling although it may be at times very crowded. it may not be as fast or as enjoyable as other types of traffic.

but it is 39 than other forms of transportation. it is 40 safe.


16.it s rather cold in here.do you mind if i close the window?这里相当冷,你介意我把窗关上吗?不介意,去关上吧。a yes,pleaseb no,go ahead c sure,please d i don t like it 46 ho...


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