
发布 2022-09-06 19:34:28 阅读 2038

16. -it’s rather cold in here. do you mind if i close the window?这里相当冷,你介意我把窗关上吗?


a yes, pleaseb no, go ahead c sure, please d i don’t like it

46、-how is your mother these days?你的母亲最近几天怎么样?


a. she is goodb. she is not very well. c. never mindd. that’s all right.


1. fish cannot live __water.

a. with b. without c. in d. on

解析:正确答案为b。本题考查双重否定结构“cannot do (sth.) without sth.”(没有……就不能做……”

2. that man looks familiar to me. he reminds __dr. richards.

a. me to b. me c. me for d. me of

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查remind的固定用法“remind sb. of sth.”(使某人想起……”提醒某人……”

3. we should keep in touch __each other, including __each other.

a. on, write b. in, to write c. with, writing d. at, wrote

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查固定短语keep in touch with sb.(与某人保持联系),而including后面要跟名词性结构。

4. i h**e __finished the book.

a. more or less b. much or less c. more or few d. many or less

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查固定短语more or less(或多或少,差不多)。

5. tom is so sensitive talkative. i’m sure you’ll soon get tired __him.

a. of b. with c. at d. on

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查固定短语get/be tired of(对……感到厌烦)。

6. the ideas sound very good, but will it work in __

a. practice b. place c. theory d. public

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查固定短语in practice(在实践中,实际上)。

7. we came finally __the conclusion that she’s been telling lies all the time.

a. of b. into c. to d. at

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查固定短语come to a/the conclusion(得出结论)。

8. we go to the cinema __a week.

a. often b. once c. seldom d. usually

解析:正确答案为b。本题考查频度的表达法:倍数+a+时间名词。once a week表示“一周一次”。

9. she agreed __me on this matter.

a. over b. on c. to d. with

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查固定短语agree with sb.(赞同某人的看法)。

10. i’d like to take __of this opportunity to thank all of you for your cooperation.

a. profit b. benefit c. occasion d. advantage

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查固定短语take advantage of(利用)。

11. the public store is to close at 9:00 __no need to worry, it is just 7:30

a. you h**e b. they h**e c. it is d. there is

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查句型“there is no need to do sth.”(没有必要做某事)。

didn’t know __or go home.

a. to wait b. if that he should wait c. if to wait d. whether to wait


13. they sent the letter to me __mistake.

a. by b. for c. on d. with

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查固定短语by mistake(错误地)。

14. we felt very proud __the work.

a. about b. in c. of d. at

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查固定短语feel/be proud of(为……感到自豪)。

15. she is not only my classmate, _also my good friend.

a. or b. but c. and d. too

解析:正确答案为b。本题考查not only与but also连用的结构,表示“不仅……而且……”

16. don’t laugh __people when they are __trouble.

a. in, at b. at, at c. at, in d. on, in

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查固定短语laugh at(嘲笑)和in trouble(处于困难/危险中)。

17. who should be responsible __the loss of the documents?

a. in b. on c. of d. for

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查固定短语be responsible for(对……负责任)。

18. it was not __midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.

a. before b. at c. after d. until

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查“not until”结构,题干为强调句型,被强调部分是时间状语not until midnight。

19. i don’t know __to deal with such a matter.

a. what b. how c. which d. /


20. he is not a child __

a. no more b. no longer c. any much d. any more

解析:正确答案为d。本题考查固定结构“not … any more”(不再……,no more)。

21. i’m not used to speaking __public.

a. in b. at c. on d. to

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查固定短语in public(公开地,当众)。

22. you had better __a doctor as soon as possible.

a. seeing b. saw c. see d. seen

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查固定结构:had better do sth.。

23. tom __more than twenty pounds on the novel.

a. spent b. paid c. cost d. took

解析:正确答案为a。本题考查动词spend的习惯用法:spend some money on sth.。

24. the children __play with them.

a. want that i b. want me for c. want me to d. were wanting that

解析:正确答案为c。本题考查动词want的习惯用法:want sb. to do sth.。

25. the headmaster came to the classroom and asked __what had happened.


2011年9月英语网络统考的备考建议和分析。针对2011年9月英语网络统考学习已经开始了。为了顺利通过这次考试,就如何准备考试,建议如下 今年的9月考试时间为9.8 9.11日,比往年稍微提前,如果学生是通过平台自己报名的时间为7.5日 7.25日,先就报名选择的时间,场次,地点上分析。考试时间上选...


大学英语b网络统考 交际英语 2 实例分析。实例分析 交际英语 1 i h en t seen you for a long time.how is everything,kate?a a.not too bad b.very good c.i am all right again d.thank ...


一 交际英语。1 what a beautiful dress you h e on today a it is suitable for me.b no,it isn t.c you want to h e one,too?d thank you.参 d 解析 答案 d 解析 对别人的表扬 祝贺 ...