
发布 2022-09-06 19:35:28 阅读 8271



)1times do you h**e your math class each week?

manyc. how oldd. how long() pens and a pencil on the desk.

isc. ared. will be

) would you like---basketball with me this weekend?

sure, i’d love to.

to play() when is your birthday party?


)5.--your telephone number, please?myphone number is 61750828.

i --to lily, please?hold on ofr a minute, please.

give) thank you for --me the game are welcome.


i’m mark brown. my last name is---

brown()10. what’s your sister doing there

draw a pictureb. she draws a drew a is drawing a picture() week starts onand ends on---

does your mother do?

she is a

---tell you the way to the post your f**oriteenglish.


) birthday

think a good same to you二、完形填空。

the girl --alice green. alice is --first name. green is her --name.

she is---she comes from(来自) london, england. she is in china now. she is in case is her pen.

is it white, too? oh! no!

it --white. it’s yellow. itisn’t her pen.

where is her pen? whose(谁的)pen is it? if it is your pen, please---84569723.

) 三、阅读理解。


mrs. smith works in a children’s hospital. there are many sick children and theirparents in it.

mrs smith is friendly to them. she looks after(照顾)her patients(病人)very well. sometimes she gives some food to them.

she likes to talk with them andplay with them together(一起).

she works late at night, but she’s always happy.

)26. mrs. smith is a singer.



)28. mrs. smith gives her patients some food every day.

()smith doesn’t love her job.()is busy but very happy.


in many english homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea anddinner(晚饭).

people h**e breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. they eateggs or bread. english people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.

lunch comes at one’o clock. afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoonand dinner is about seven. first they h**e soup(汤), then they h**e meat or fish withvegetables(蔬菜).


oranges. but not all english peopleeat like that. some of them h**e their dinner inthe middle of the day.

their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supperand all thesemeals are very ******(简单).

) english people h**e---meals a h**e breakfast---

the the the noon() comes---

o’ o’ o’ o’clock() people drink---at breakfast.

没有什么) or coffee() tea is from

to to to to four四、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。 name?

father’s brothers are my___uncle). jenny’ can’tplay) basketball.

thinking ofgo) to the great wall mother asks medo) my homework grandfathergo)fishing your dog into the 1stischildren) day.

classroom is on thetwo) floor.五、书面表达。




(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)dear mary,i’m very happy to write to you. i will tell you about myself.



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