
发布 2022-08-23 06:38:28 阅读 1495

unit 1 练习 2 2011.2.23姓名。

翻译词组。1. 六门学科2. 星期三下午。

3. 一周里4 . 新学期。

5. 告诉我6. 在早上。

7. 多少节课8. 什么科目。

9. 欢迎返回学校10. 上一节数学课。

11. 你呢12.一节有趣的语文课。


1. do(第三人称单数2. lesson(近义词。

3. these(对应词4. hot(反义词。

5. take(现在分词6. her(主格。

7. minus(对应词8. parents(所有格。

单数形式10. write(同音词。

选择题。 ) 1. what __is it today? it’s monday. a. date b. day c. week

) 2. what lessons do you h**e __the afternoon? a. in b. on c. at

) 3. how __lessons do you h**e on monday?

a. much b. many c. any

) 4. -what __do you likei like maths.

a. lessons b. subject c. lesson

) 5. i like chineseyou? a. who are b. how about c. where are

) 6. -what’s 321 __123? -it’s 198. a. minus b. plus c. and

) 7. mr li and his students are __a lesson.

a. h**e b. h**ing c. going

) 8. _i help you? a. could b. would c. can

)9. welcomeschool, boys and girls.

a. back b. back to c. back to the

)10. do you h**e any lessons __saturdays? a. in b. at c. on


goes to school on sunday.

boy does his homework.

plays the violin on saturday.

parent cooks nice has some books.

girl watches tv on sunday.


1. it’s friday. (对划线部分提问is it?

2. i like chinese.(对划线部分提问do you

3. we h**e five lessons in a week. (提问)

do you h**e in a week?

4. we h**e chinese, english, maths and science every morning. (提问)

youevery morning?

5. he often plays football after school. (改为否定句)

6. i h**e an art lesson on monday. (改为一般疑问句,作肯、否定回答)

an art lesson on monday?


1. 你喜欢什么学科? 我喜欢美术和体育。

do you like? i likeand

2. 493-293=? 你能立即答出来吗? 噢,让我想想。

what’s 493 __293? _you tell meer, let

3. 我喜欢语文,它很有趣。 i __chineseinteresting.

4. 这是新学期的第一课。this is theof the

5. 今天上午我们上数学,科学,社会和美术。

___morning we h**eand __


nancy:hello, liu tao. liu tao: hello. what day is it today?

nancy:it’s wednesday. liu tao: how many subjects do you h**e this term?

nancy:i h**e seven. they chinese, science, social science, computer studies, maths, english and art.

liu tao: what subject do you like?

nancy:i like chinese and computer studies. how about you?

liu tao: i like maths. it’s interesting.

nancy:how many maths lessons do you h**e in a week?

liu tao: five. i hope we h**e more.

) 1. nancy likes maths very much2. today is wednesday.

) 3. liu tao has seven subjects in a week.

) 4. liu tao has four maths lessons in a week.

四升五数学暑期练习 2

四年级课堂检测 二 例1 小红今年8岁,她妈妈今年34岁。小红多少岁时,妈妈的年龄正好是她的3倍?例2 现在母子俩年龄的和是48岁,3年后,母亲的年龄是儿子的5倍,那么母亲和儿子今年各多少岁?例3 一张长5分米,宽4分米的长方形纸板,从四个角上各剪去一个边长为1分米的正方形,所剩部分的周长是多少分米...


年龄。一直,总是。住宅区。家庭。遇见。成员。从不。仅,只 正确的。有时 比。睡觉的时间。通常,大抵 年轻的,幼小的。数字,号码。放学 后。厘米。骑车。穿着打扮。互相。重的。高度。怎么样。恰好,正好。千克。同 一样。幼犬。分享。溜冰。一起。在周末。重量。范围,区域。渡船。到达。大声地。亲爱的。博物馆。...

