
发布 2022-08-20 03:13:28 阅读 2539


一。 听力部分,在正确答案上打√




a. the subway___b. the car___c. the bus___


a. restaurant___b. library___c post office___

4. 选择比利吃早饭的时间。

a. 8:00___b. 8:20___c. 8:30___



6. 桑迪有50美元,听对话指出她可以购买的东西。



a. yellow___b. blue___c. purple___


1.(i / she)__go to school by car. 2.(he / they)__goes to school by subway.

3.(he / she) _rides her bike to school. 4. (it / they) _walk to school.


1. good idea a that’s

2. at 8 o’clock go to school i

3. how day your was

4. she’s the ****** bed

5. school how do go you to

6. i far from school live


1. h_mew_rk(作业) 2. bro_her(兄弟) 3. ch_na(中国)

4. tee_ h (牙齿) 5. l_brary(图书馆) 6. w_n (赢)

7. gl_sses(眼镜8. _air _in(发卡) 9. s_ccer (足球)

双胞胎) 11. h_rry(赶快) 刷)


1. i __tennis after school. (play2. i __the game.. win)

3. i __home at 4 o’clock. (come4. i __up before dinner. (wash)

5. i __my homework before dinner. (do) 6. i __tv after dinner.(watch)

7. i __a fountain pen.(buy8. i __to buy a shirt.(want)


1. play up___

3. read a tv

5. hurry up6. get dressed

7. brush my teeth8. play tennis

9. too expensive10. do my homework


1. what are you doing? i’mgetting dress\ getting dressed) now.

2. is sandy waiting downstairs? no, she’s not.

she’s****** the bed\ make bed) in her room.

3. we don’t h**eany class\ class) on saturday.

4. why don’t youtake the subway\ take subway)?

5. that’sgood\ a good) idea!


九、 写出反义词。

[备选栏:short expensive new without black far small after ]

1. long2. cheap3. old4. with5. white6. near7. big— _8. before—__十.阅读理解。

what’s he wearing?

1】police: what’s the matter ,kids ?

sandy: i can’t find my brother , billy .

2】policy: take it easy . what’s he wearing ?

sandy :he’s wearing a red jacket , blue pants ,and yellow boots.

3】police :does he wear glasses ?

dongdong : no , he doesn’t .

4】police: come here ,kids! isn’t that billy ?

sandy : ah ,yes ! thanks a lot.

police :sure.

1). 根据短文填空。

1. policehe

sandy : he ‘s wearing a redblueand yellow

2. police : does he

dongdong : no , he

3. sandya lot .


2). 根据短文判断正(√)误(×)

1 . what’s the matter with sandy ?

a . she can’t find her brother .(b . she can’t find her mother .(

2. what’s her brother wearing ?

a . he’s wearing a red jacket , blue pants , and yellow boots .(

b . yes , he does .(

3. does he wear glasses ?

a . yes , he doesb . no , he doesn’t .(

4. does the police find sandy’s brother ?

a . yes . he doesb . no. he doesn’t .

十一。用英语回答下面问题。 where are you from?


小学五年级。上册期中试卷。一 填空。共16分,每题2分 9.7049保留两位小数是 保留整数是 0.999 还可以写作 观察一个正方体,一次最多能看到 个面。妈妈买了2千克黄瓜,每千克x元,付了b元,应找回 元。买了80本练习本,一共用去a元,每本练习本的价钱是 元。二 判断。共10分,每题2分。循...


小学五年级。2007 2008学年度第一学期期中试卷。一 填空。共16分,每题2分 9.7049保留两位小数是 保留整数是 0.999 还可以写作 观察一个正方体,一次最多能看到 个面。妈妈买了2千克黄瓜,每千克x元,付了b元,应找回 元。买了80本练习本,一共用去a元,每本练习本的价钱是 元。二 ...


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