
发布 2022-08-18 10:45:28 阅读 1746

unit8 it must belong to carla教学设计。



本单元中心话题是“神秘事件”,能根据相关信息对事物做推断,主要语法是情态动词might could must can’t表示推测的用法。情态动词是一种重要的词法,只有掌握好它,才能更好地进行交际和阅读。本节是本单元的第一节,本节的重点是使学生能运用情态动词might could must can’t对物品所属进行推测,通过学习用相关信息对物主的推测来提高学生的逻辑思维能力和推断能力。

难点是区分belong to和名词所有格表所属关系的运用。利用反复操练的形式来突难教学难点。二、单元目标。

1.能正确使用本单元的词汇和常用表达:truck, picnic, rabbit, noise, policeman, wolf…run after, at the same time, belong to, thousands of 2.

能正确运用must, might/could, can’t进行推断3.能根据相关信息**,推断或续写故事4.能有效获取阅读信息,归纳主题。




我主要采用任务型教学法结合情景教学、交际教学、视听说的教学法。四、学习目标1、知识目标a .识记词汇。

truck picnic rabbit whose belong to hair band b.掌握目标语言whose volleyball is this? it must becarla’ loves volleyball.

whose hair band is this? it could bemei’shair band. or it might belong to both h**e long hair.







难点:正确区别运用belong to和名词所有格表示所属关系。七、教学过程设计step 1 revision---检测与铺垫1、复习名词性物主代词(mine ,yours ,his ,hers),教师举起自己的书说:

this is my book. it’s mine. it isn’t yours.

接着教师走到前几位同学面前,拿起桌上的物品问其本人,然后再问其他人。教师问:is this your notebook?

学生答:yes . it’s my notebook.

oh! yes. it’s mine.

教师问:is this his/her eraser? .

其他学生答:yes. it’s his/hers.

2、复习名词所有格,教师到学生当中,拿起不同学生桌上的物品问其他的学生。教师问:whose book /ruler / backpack /…is this ?

或whose is this book/ruler/…?

学生答:it’s si huishang’s / li long’s/ gao shang’s/…step2 leading in―――自然过渡,介绍新知1、teach belong to

教师走到一个学生身边,然后举起他的一支笔说:the pen is he dong’s .we can also say the pen belongs to he dong.

/it belongs to him.教师再指着更多的物品让学生说belong to的句子。2、using could/might /must/can’t to guess sth.

say: close your eyes .then go to students and get some their school things.

after a while, ask them to open their eyes and guess.

t: whose ruler is this? s:

it might/could bes.被猜到的人站起来说true(表示猜对)/false(表示猜错)。其他学生就补充说:

it must be __s./it can’t bes.

note: must (100%) might, could (20-80%)can’t(0%)it must/could /might be han lei’s = it must/could/might belong to han lei. step 3 game“who is it?


让一个学生背向着全班站在讲台上,在座的任何一位学生都可以向他/她挑战用各种声音向其说一句英语,黑板上的学生必须听声音猜人,而且每人只有三次猜的机会,猜对的被评为“火眼真金”奖励一支笔。s:it might /could be __

ss: true. it must be __或false.

it can’t bestep4 practice---体验实践,使用语言1. look at the picture and fill in the chart.(1a) 2.

listening (1b)

listen and match persons with things.

read the dialogue and ask students to do pair work. 3. listening (2a&2b)

say:we’lllisten to a conversation between bob and anna. they found a backpack in front ofschool gate, whose is it?

listen carefully and find out whose it is. and make notes as you listen.

while listening, ask student to repeat some sentences. check the answers and read the conversation with you. step5 group work―――布置任务,语言交际“find the owner”


step 6 exercises―――巩固知识。

fill in the blanks with“must , might , could.,can’t”

1)the notebookbe ming’s. it was on her desk.

2)the homework __be carol’s. she wasn’t at school today.

3)the soccer ballbe jhon’s or tony’s. they both play soccer, don’t they?(4the french book __be li ying’s.

she’s the only one who’s studying french.(5i can’t find my backpack. itbe still at school.

(6the photobe lu’s. those are his parents.

7)the red bicycle __be hu’s. she has a blue bicycle.(8this ticket __be my aunt’s or uncle’s.

they’re both going to the concert. step 7 summary―――强调重点。

通过询问的方式来指出本节的重点。用名词所有格和belong to表示物品的所属,根据相关信息用情态动词对物品进行推测。八、作业设计―――拓展运用。


unit 8 it must belong to carla. section a (1a---2c)听说课truck picnic rabbit hair band whose

whose volleyball is this? it must becarla’ loves volleyball.

whose hair band is this? it could bemei’shair band. or it might belong tolinda.

they both h**e long be +sb.’sbelong to sb.

must (100%) might, could (20-80%)can’t(0%)

it must/could /might be han lei’s = it must/could/might belong to han lei.十、教学反思本节课教学过程自然、紧凑,学生学习氛围活跃,成功之处在于巧妙运用游戏激起学习兴趣,充分发挥了主体作用,教学重难点也在教师的引导和实践中被攻破,使学生在轻松愉。




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