
发布 2022-08-14 08:24:28 阅读 6593



jeb2(上)unit11c ould you please clean your room?学习目标:







1)--could i use the phone,miss li

i'm sorry i can't . no,please.

2)--could you lend me your bike,please?--don't___it too 'mgoing out this afternoon.

a. borrowb. lendc. keepd. get(3)"could you please make the bed?""sure

a. you couldb. feed(4) -may i __your dictionary?--sorry,i __it at home.

a. borrow;forgotb. borrow;leftc. lend;forgotd. lend;left

5) the boy was feedingthe monkeya onb. withc. tod. a and b

6)don'tmy has a lot of homework take downb. take offc. take outd. take back

7) you think he is an ill man,but i can't agreeyoua. withb. toc. atd. on

8) don't forget __the door when you go out for a closeb. closingc. to closed.

closes(9) -why didn't you go to the party last night?

- because i

a. wasn't invitedb. didn't invitec. h**en't invited(10) -i speak to ann,please

a. who's thatb. whose is itc. who's shed. who arre you

11) -i'm afraid i can't go to the park with you

a. you're welcomeb. it's a pleasec. yes, that's rightd. it doesn't matter

12) please put the food in the fridge,__it may go andb. forc. ord. so


1) -could you please give me a hand

a. no, you are yes , sure,what's wrong?

2) we didn't plan our art exhibition like that but itvery worked outb. tried outc. went ond.

carried on

3) to our disappointment,the swimming pool was __for the whole time during ourstay.

a. closedb. openc. cleand. gone

4) i won't go to the party unless he __inviteb. invitesc. asksd.

asked(5) could you __my cat when i'm out?

a. take careb. take ofc.

take care ofd. take of care(6) the box is too he**y for me to you __me a f**or?

doc. gived. ask

7) the teenagers need __breakfast every eatb. to eatc. eatingd.

to eating(8) can you get __water __me?

a. some;forb. some;toc. any;ford. any;to(9) his sister sometimes __him __his maths.

a. helps;withb. helped;onc. help; they are __vacation tob. forc. god. on

11) what a __girl lily is! she always speaks to other people __a. well;lovelyb.

love;friendlyc. lovely;widelyd. lovely;kindly

12) there is __rain this 's always wet.

manyb. too muchc. much tood. many too



八年级英语上册unit11 12复习导学案

重点词汇 the dishes洗盘子 the floor out the trash 倒垃圾 the bed整理床 the clothes 叠衣服6.sweep the living room 扫客厅。out late 在外面呆到很晚 up 成长 长大。the same time 同时 sth fr...


课题 unit 11 could you please clean your room?课时 第一课时。主备人 闫勤奋参备教师 韦玉梅 使用时间 2011 12 18学生姓名。学习目标 1.学习并掌握本单元词汇。2.重点短语及句型。重点与难点 1.掌握本单元的词汇 2.了解本单元的短语 句型。课前尝...

八年级Unit11 辅导

新目标八年级上 unit 11 知识点。一 重要词组及短语。1.could you please not do sth.你能 吗?请你干 好吗?2.do chores 做杂务。3.do the dishes 洗餐具。4.sweep the floor 清扫地板。5.take out the tras...