
发布 2022-08-11 02:32:28 阅读 2945


1 two ( 2 five ( 3 one ( 4 seven ( 5 ten (

6 three ( 7 eight ( 8 four ( 9 six( )10 nine( )


a.six b. seven c. three d. five e. ten f. eight

1. two + four2. nine ÷ three3. fournine + three5one = six × four


)how old are youa. ten birds.

)how many birdsb. sure. here you are.

)may i h**e a lookc. thank you.

)can i h**e some juiced. i’m fine, thank you.

)how are youe. great!

)this is for youf. thanks.

)happy birthdayg. ok. here you are.

)let’s eat the cakeh. i’m 10.


a. thank you. b. 5. c. very well, thanks. d. no, thanks. e. i’m 8.

)1. how are old are you

)3. how many balloons4. happy birthday

) some juice

五. 单项选择。

) 1 a: can i h**e some milk? b

a thank you b you’re welcome c sure ,here you are d i like milk

) 2 a: how are you, miss white? b

a great! b very well ,thanks c how are you? d how many gifts?

) 3 a:how old are you? b

a: ok. b thank you. c how old are you ? d i’m ten.

) 4 a: how many books? b

a great b seven c i’m tend thank you

) can i h**e some water? sarah

a. sure, here you are. b. thank you. c. you’re welcome.

) white: h**e some milk, john.

johna. yes. c. here you are.

) yifansarah: here you are.

b. i’d like some juice, please. c. no, thank you.

) you’re welcome.

morningb. thank you. c. i see o.

) sarah: my name is sarah.

a. nice to meet you. b. what’s your name c. how are you?

) 10 happy birthday __youa on b too c to

七连词成句 1. plates how many

2. birthday happy you to

3. are old you how

4. i’m old years six

5. this one ,please. 翻译成汉语。


一搭配。( teacher’s daya nice to meet you too.

) to meet youb thank you.

) i h**e some cakesc sure. here you are.

) go to schoold good afternoon.

) afternoone ok.


)1、mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说:a. can i h**e a hamburger? b. here you are.

)2、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说: a. h**e some juice, please. b. can i h**e some juice?

)3、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说:a. yes, thank you. b. no, thank you.

)4、你想知道对方年龄可以问: a. how are youb. how old are you?

)5、别人向你道谢,你应该说: a. thank youb. you’re welcome.

)6、要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说: a. h**e some milk! b. i like milk.

)7、你想知道对方是谁,可以问: a. how are youb. who are you?

)8、别人帮你的忙,你应该说:a. thank youb. you’re welcome.

)9、mike的生日到了,你对他说:a. happy birthday! b. happy teacher’s day!


( )1、touch the grounda.交叉你的脚。

)2、i like blueb.让我们说话。

)3、cross your legsc.摸地板。

)4、look at med.我喜欢蓝色。

)5、let’s talke、看看我。


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