
发布 2022-08-08 23:44:28 阅读 3171

1. page 25 1c3行 (四单元讲解记录)

what is sb. like? 询问某人的性格或外貌。

what does/do sb. look like? 询问某人的外貌。

how’s sb询问身体状况。

2. page 26 2a 2行。

humorous adj.幽默的 humor n. 幽默 (后面加上ous构成形容词)例如:mountain—mountainous多山的;danger---dangerous

3. page 26 2a 2行。

silent adj. 沉默的silence n. 沉默 keep silent, 保持沉默in silence 默默地 he went out in silence.

=he went out silently. he always keeps silent.

4. page 26 2a 3行。

helpful 有帮助的 be helpful to 对……有帮助。


如:use---useful, thank---thankful感谢的,感激的, care---careful

5. page 26 2b 右框,2句中。

from time to time=sometimes, at times, now and then有时,时常。

6. page 26 2d 2行。

it has been +时段+since 从句自从……起,已经有多久的时间了。

it’s +时段+since 从句。 自从……起,有多久的时间了。

主语+h**e/has done sth. for +时段。

it is three years since i heard from him.

it has been three years since i heard from him.

i h**en’t heard from him for three years.

7. page 26 2d 倒数第4行。

score n. 分数 he got good scores in the exam.

v. 得分,进球 he scored in the final minute of the game.

8. page 27 1段 1行。

interview n. v. 采访,面试 inter在……之间;view **。

interviewee 被采访者 interviewer 主持采访/面试者。

a job interview 一个工作面试 i interviewed him about his son. asia 亚洲 asian 亚洲人,亚洲的,亚洲人的。

japan and chinese are both asian countries.

that asian stopped me and asked if i was chinese.

africa---african; europe --european, america—american

19-year-old 合成形容词,由“数词-单数计量名词-形容词”构成,通常作前置定语;而19 years old, 通常作表语,如:this is an 8-year-old girl. the girl is 8 years old.

9. page 27 1段 2行。

10. take up开始从事……,后加名词,doing.如:at the age of sixty, he took up the study of russian.

he took up writing when he was sixty.

11. page 27 1段 3行。

deal with…… 处置,处理……,常和how连用。

how do you deal with the matter?

do with 处理,处置…… 常和what连用。

what will you do with the old letters?

dare to do 敢于做某事,to有时可以省略。


in front of ……在……外部的前面。

in the front of ……在……的内部的前面。

12. page 27 2段 3行 ton 吨,tons of 许多……

13. page 27 2段 5行 appear to ……出现在……面前。


14. page 27 2段行。

hang out 闲逛。hang悬挂,hang-hung-hung, hang up把……悬挂/挂起,挂断**。

mr. li hung up the painting on the wall. please don’t hang up.


they hanged the thief.

15. page 27 3段 3行。

be prepared to do 准备好做某事,愿意做某事。

prepare for ……为……做准备。

prepare to do ……准备做某事。

16. page 27 3段 4行。

the road to success 通往成功的道路,to表示通往。

17. page 27 3段 5行。

fight on继续战斗,引申为“继续坚持”

18. page 27 3段 6行。

require要求,需要 v.

人+require to do sth. 人需要做某事 he required to see my ticket.

事+require doing sth. 事需要被做 the problem requires dealing with quickly.

require +n. he required a lot of money.

19. page 27 3段7行 make it 成功,做到。

a number of …很多……,number 前面可以用small, large, great, good, 后面谓语用复数;the number of +n.(pl)


1. page 29 1a 最后一行。

insect 昆虫 there are many kinds of insects in this area.

2. page 29 1c 4句。

on the … team 在……队中,注意用on.

3. page 30 2b 一段 4行。

seldom 很少,极少(表示否定) he seldom goes to school late, does he? 也就是说,seldom在句子中,这个句子算是否定句,同于hardly.

4. page 30 2b 一段 6行。

take care of 照顾=look after

take good care of … look after … well 好好照看……

the nurse needs to look after the patients well.

he stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.

when they were given new uniforms, they were required to take good care of them.

take care=look out = be careful小心,注意。

如:take care! don’t hurt yourself.

5. page 30 2b 一段 7行。

lonely adj. 孤独的作定语、表语 this is a lonely dog, because he loses his owner. he feels lonely.

(1)alone adj.单独的作表语 i look forward to being alone in the house.

(2)adj. 单独的作定语 this kind of vegetable alone is not enough.

(3)adv. 单独地 you shouldn’t go out alone after dark.

6. page 30 2b 二段 1行。

influence n./v.

a teacher can h**e great influence on his students. (n.)

the weather influences the speed of the farming work.

h**e great influence on … 对……有重大影响。

7. page 30 2b 二段 2行。

be absent from 缺席…… he has been absent from class for a week.

8. page 30 2b 二段 2行 fail v. he failed the exam.

n. failure, failure is the mother of success.

形近的词有:mail, sail, tail

examination n. 考试可以简写成 exam

examine v. 考试,检测

9. page 30 2b 二段 3行。

make a/the decision to do sth. =decide to do sth. 决定做某事 who made the decision to go there?

send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地。

10. page 30 2b 二段 6行。

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

advise doing sth. 建议做某事。

advise +that 从句 (从句中要用虚拟语气,即:should +do的形式,其中should可以省略)

如:my mother advised me not to stay at home all the time.

she advised holding a class meeting.

the man advised that we (should) walk on the other side of the road.

11. page 30 2b 二段7行。

in person 亲身,亲自。

i can’t attend the meeting in person, but i’m sending someone to speak for me.

12. page 30 2b 三段 1行

exactly adv. 确切地 tell me exactly where she lives.

exact adj. 确切的 give me the exact answer to the question, please.


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