
发布 2022-08-08 06:44:28 阅读 3655

九年级英语unit 1单元测试卷i。词形转换(5分)

1. vocabulary(复数)__2. learn(名词副词形容词副词6. fair(反义词名词8. important(反义词反义词名词ii。翻译短语(10分)









boys are going to h**e fun _ the drawb. to drawc. drawingd.

drew2. his mother is strict __

a. with himb. with hec. in himd. in he3. my english teacher was angry __tom.

a. atb. aboutc. withd. on4. you shouldn't __the boy's mistakes.

a. laugh at b. smilec.

laughd. laugh down5. there is __smoke in the much toob.

manyc. too muchd. too many

6. if you don't know the word, you can __in the look it afterb. look it upc.

look for itd. look at it

7. he often practice __the piano in his playb. playingc.

to playd. really hardthem to climb mount this, tob. it, forc.

this, ford. it, to9.—t's too hot.

would you mind __the door?—_please do it now.

a. to open, okb. opening, certainly notc. opening, of coursed. to open, good idea

10.—_do you study english?—by ****** whyb.

howc. whatd. when11.

you never go to the moviesa. don't youb. do youc.

won't youd. can't you

12. maria is from france. she studies english by __english movies.

a. watch b. watching c. to watchd. watched13.—can you solve the problem?

sorry, i can't. why __ask the teacher __help?a.

don't, forb. not, aboutc. don't, aboutd.

not, for14. thanks for __me __

a. helping, a lot ofb. help, lotc. helping, a lotd. help, lots of

15. i spend some time __english books every on readingb. in read c.

to read d. readingiv。句型转换(20分)a.


1. english is not so interesting as chinese.

english is __interesting __chinese.2. antonio doesn’t do well in why not join an english language club?

whyan english club?4. can you tell me how i use the computer?

can you tell meuse the computer?5. we h**e lessons on thursday and h**e lessons __a week.

6. if you want to improve english, you should practice writing a lot.

writing practice can help you improve your english.7. it's very easy for me to find his hadhis office.

8. it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher in class.

itfor me to understand the teacher in class.9. it makes my listening skills listening skills.

10. the teacher isn't pleased with him.

the teacherwith him.11. my watch doesn't work well.

there ismy watch.12. shall we meet at half past two?

whatat half past two?13. it's bad for your eyes to read in the sunin the sun __bad for your eyes.

14. how much did the new mobile phone cost?

how much did youthe new mobile phone?15. the girl is so young that she cant' go to girl is __young __go to 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。

16. i think we need a cheaper one, too.(否定句)

i __think we need a cheaper one, _

17. i study for a test by listening to tapes.(对划线部分提问you __for a test?

18. my friend martin finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too fast. (对划线部分提问your friend martin __watching movies frustrating?

19. kevin studied chinese by reading aloud. (改为否定句)kevinchinese by reading aloud.

20. i h**e kept writing english diary for over two years.(改为一般疑问句)__you __writing english diary for over two years?

unit 3


)1. i’mto choose my own lifestyle(生活方式).

a. young enoughb. enough youngc.

enough oldd. old enough()2.–sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.

i agreeb. i don’t think soc. i don’t knowd.

i disagree()3. the sun _ at night .

a. can be seenb. can't seec.

can't be seend doesn't see()4.–i usually watch tv till .–really?

are you?

a. allowed to stay upb. allow to stay upc.

allowing staying upd. allowed stay up()5. let’s play footballat home.

a. instead stayb. instead of stayingc.

instead stayingd. instead staying()6. it’s very cold outside.

you needwarm clothes if you go out.

a. wearingb. to wearc.

to wearingd. wears()7. smokingin the cinema.

please allows, to smokeb. is allowed, smokingc. isn’t allowed, smokingd.

isn’t, to smoke()8. she ate sandwiches this morning..

a. so do ib. so i didc. so did id. so am i()9. good books __again and again.

a. should be readedb. should be readc.

must readd. may read() grandparentsus children, but they look serious.

a. are not strict withb. aren’t strict toc.

don’t strict withd. are strict with()11. do you always finish your workfriday nights?

a. atb. onc.

ind. of() lost the way? i’m new here.

a. what ifb. as ifc. how ifd. when if() if you fail a test.

a. don’t beb. notc.

don’td. don’t think()14. students should concentrate morestudies than clothes.

a. tob. withc. ond. in()15. do you everthat you’ll fail a test?

a. thinkb. thinksc.

)16. -what a nice toy car? is it yours?–of course. itme 2 days to make the car.

a. costb. spentc. paidd. took()17. will you keep the reading room?

a. quietb. quietyc.

quited. quickly()18. i h**e no opportunitythe matter with her .

a. discussb. discussingc.

to discussd. discusses()19. i find he is seriouscomputer games.

a. about playingb. to playc.

about playd. in playing()20. both my parents and igoing to the movies this amb.

bec. ared. is() not be allowed to go out at twelve-years-oldb.

twelve-year-oldsc. twelve years oldd. twelve year olds

) our vacations are too short.

a. atb. onc. fromd. for()23. i can’t speak english soas bolly, but i amat chinese.

a. well, goodb. good, goodc.

good, welld. well, well()24. eating vegetables is goodyour health.

a. atb. forc. tod. in()25. we should learn a loteach other.

a. inb. fromc. ond. to二、词形变换(每小题2分,共20分)


1. we are very tired in spring. we often feel2. her cousin is a bus.

3. you h**e to be 18 years old before you areto drive a car.4.

he thinks this is his mostspeech.5. we often clean our classrooma day.


6. we should pass the test instead of(fail, failing ) the test.

7. last sunday uncle wang invited me(to h**e, h**e) dinner at his home.8.

they don’t allow him to practice(singing, sing).9. do you often go(swim, swimming)?

10. these(teenagers, teenager) like to go out at night.


麻家集中学2013 2014学年度第一学期10月月考。九年级语文试卷。一 积累与运用 20分 1 下列加点字注意无误的一项是2分 a 分外 f n 憩息 q 襁褓 b o 栖息 q b 褴褛 l旁骛 w 亵渎 d陨落 y n c 萧索 xi o 阔绰 chu 栈桥 z n 深邃 su d 肥硕 sh...


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