
发布 2022-08-05 15:06:28 阅读 7221

unit 4 what would you do?

重点短语:1. put it in the bank把它存进银行。

it to charity把他给慈善机构。


advice on提有关…的建议。



a big exam参加一次大的考试。

with this problem帮助解决这个问题。

a long walk before going to bed睡觉前长时间散步。

public/in a public place在公众场合。

a speech /make a speech作演讲,发表演说。

permission /ask one’s permission未经允许。

in a movie拍电影

friends with sb和某人成为朋友

oneself to向…作自我介绍。

for sb. to do sth. sb. to do sth. 等某人做某事。

…in the slightest/not …at all一点也不。


rather do a than do b宁愿…而不愿…

20. a circle of good friends朋友圈子。

lunch time午餐时间

the class in the school contest代表班级参加学校的比赛。

top in the school exams在学校的考试中名列前茅。


up with … think of/think up想出,想到

solution to the problem解决问题的办法

first-aid book一本急救的书

a lot of experience dealing with teenagers 有许多关于处理青少年问题的经验。

experience in doing sth在某方面有经验。



sth. with sth用…把…盖住。

covered with被…覆盖。


to call the hospital急忙去医院。


the burned area under cold running water 把烧伤部位放在凉的流动的水下冲。

along (well) with…/get on (well) with与某人相处。

of +un/cn很多的,足够的。

sth. from sb隐藏某物不要某人看见。


42.meet an “internet friend” alone单独见网友。

43. injure your knee while running跑步时伤了腿。

44 say something bad about sb说…坏话。

45 rather than = instead of而不是(连接两个并列成分,前后对称)二、单项选择。

1. “what would you do if you won a million yuan

a. i will give it to charities. b. i will buy snacks.

c. i will put it in the bank. d. i’d give it to medical research.

2. what __you do if you won in the lottery?

a. shall b. would c. will d. are

3. he doesn’t know

a. to do what b. to do how c. what to do d. how to do

4people aren’t afraid to speak in public.

a. energetic b. confident c. nervous d. interesting

5. you shouldn’t borrow others’ bikepermission.

a. without b. with c. at d. in

6. if a friend of yours said __about you, would you think about what he or she said?

a. bad thing b. a thing bad c. bad something d. something bad

7. _people went to the concert last night.

a. thousand of b. million of c. millions of d. five millions of

8. the baby could hardly speak a word, _

a. couldn’t he b. could the baby c. can he d. could he

9. if ittomorrow, we won’t go to the park.

a. rained b. rains c. will rain d. raining

10. my teacher will become angry if i __late for class.

a. am b. be c. will rain d. raining

11. i __a letter from him since he left.

a. didn’t receive b. h**en’t got c. didn’t h**e d. h**en’t heard

12. if you learn even __english, you will find it useful after you le**e school.


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