人教版九年级第十单元SectionB1a 1d教案

发布 2022-08-02 10:07:28 阅读 8538

unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands(第3课时)

sectionb (1a-1d)


本单元围绕different country. different customs为话题来进行听、说、读、写活动。描述自己或他人在不同场合应该做什么be supposed to do sth,不应该做什么be(not)supposed to do sth。








进行阅读能力的训练,应用学习技巧learningstrategies:comparing和readingforkey words.










checkhomework.getsome students to read out their conversations using the targetlanguageinsectiona4..2、stepⅱpart 1

language.1、look at the pictureand ask students to say what is happening in it.(a family is eatingameal.)

look atthe title, mind your manners!ask.what do you think itmight mean?(itmeans be careful of how you act.)

askstudentsto read thestatements.

1.in the united states, you’re not supposed to eat with your hands.2.in peru, you are not supposed to talk at thetable.

3.in china, you’re notsupposed to pickup your bowl of rice.

4.in korea, the youngest person is supposed tostart eating first.5.inbrazil,..askstudents to act outthem.

then askstudents to complete the quiz on their own.correctthe answers with the class.answers

1.t 2.f 3.f 4.f 5.t3、step ⅲ 2a

readtheinstructionstotheclass.reviewwhatanexchangestudentisandwhattablemanners are.if necessary, translate them into chinese.

look atthe four pictures.you will hear the exchange student steve, talking withhis japanesefriend, satoshi.

satoshiis explaining some things you areand aren’t supposed to do when eating injapan.

point tothe boxes where students are supposed to write a number next to eachpicture.say,,these things in therecording.play therecording the first time.studentsonly listen.

play therecording a second time.as they listen to the recording this time, letstudents number thepictures.

correctthe answers with the class.answers

thepictures should be numbered in the following order:

2 1 4 3tapescript

satoshi:you must be really excited about le**ing for japan tomorrow, steve!steve:

yeah, i am.but i’m a little nervous, too.satoshi:nervous about what?steve:

well,foronething,idon’tknowhowtousechopsticksverywell…andidon’tknow how to beh**e at the dinner table.

satoshi:oh, i see.icould give you a little lesson on japanese table manners ifyou like.

steve:really? that would be great!

satoshi:hmmmm.let mesee.onedifference is that sometimes it’s polite to makenoisewhenyou’reeating.especiallywhenyou’reeatingnoodles.itshowsthatyou like the food.


satoshi:yeah, i know.ok.so here are some chopstick rules: it’s rude to stickyourchopsticksintoyourfood.andyoushouldn’tpointatanyonewithyourchopsticks.

steve:oh, ok.i won’t,satoshi:andalso,thisisn’tabouttablemannersexactly,butyoushouldknowthatyou aren’t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.steve:

huh.satoshi:oh,andthemostimportantthingyouneedtoknowisthatyou’renotsupposedto talkwhen you’re eating dinner.onlyparents are allowed to talk at the dinnertable.children are not allowed to speak.steve:wow!

that’s…that’s unusual!

satoshi:i’m just kidding! boy, you’re really gullible, steve!4、step ⅳ 2b

thisactivity provides listening practice using the target language.

askdifferentstudentstoreadthetwolists.1.you aren’t supposed to…a.tomake noise while eating noodles.2.it’s polite… b.tostick your chopsticks into your food.3.it’s rude… c.point atanyone with your chopsticks.

4.you shouldn’t… d.eat or drinkwhile walking down the street.you willhear the same recording again.

thistime as you listen, write the letter of the correct sentence ending aftereachsentence starter.

look atthe sample answer.read the correctly completed sentence to the class:1.you aren’t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.

play therecording again.ask students to write the letters in the blanks alone.checkthe answers with the class.answers

1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c5、step ⅴ 2c

thisactivity provides guided oral practice using the target language.gothrough the instructions for the activity with the class.

look atthe example in the box.ask two students to read the sentence starters.sa:we’re supposed to…sb: yes,and it’s rude to…

now,complete each one with a true statement about table manners in your country.ask twostudents to read their sentences.sa: we’re supposed to eat withchopsticks.

sb: yes,and it’s rudeto eat with our hands.pointoutthesentencestartersinactivity2b.say,h**eaconversationabouttablemanners inyour country with a patter.

you canuse the sentence starters in activity 2b to help you get started.

h**estudentsworkinpairs.askoneortwopairsofstudentstosaytheirconversations to theclass.6、step ⅵ summary

in thisclass, we’velearned some key vocabulary, such as wipe, rude, point, pickup.we’ve also learned the target language bylistening and speaking.7、step ⅶ homework

talkabout the table manners in your country using the sentence starters inactivity2b.八、板书设计。

unit10you’resupposed to shake hands.sectionb

thefourth period

1.sentences in activity 2b:

1)you aren’t supposed to eat or drink whilewalking down the street.(2)it’s polite to make noise while eatingnoodles.(3)it’s rudeto stick your chopsticks into yourfood.(4)you shouldn’t point at anyone with yourchopsticks.2.target language:

a: we’re supposed to eat with chopsticks.b: yes, and it’s rude to eat with our hands.九、教学反思。




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