三合中学九年级英语UNIT1单元测验 九 12 班 1

发布 2022-08-02 09:57:28 阅读 3388


注意事项:1. 用黑、蓝色钢笔或水笔答题(不得用铅笔),卷面书写干净、整齐。

2. 第三题(单选题)的答案请写在前面的答题纸处。

3. 遵守考试纪律,作弊(雷同卷)者零分处理。

4. 考试之后在错题本上整理,试卷妥善保存,以备复习所用。

一。 根据首字母完成单词(5分)

1. his pis poor. i can’t understand his words.

2. you’d better read aso that everyone can hear you.

3. if you are more careful, you will not make m

4. he said he could not mthe words because the words were too difficult.

5. she often cto me about his carelessness last year.

二. 根据背诵过的段落填写文中空缺的单词(10分)

wei minghe’senglish for six years and really loves it. he thinksis a great way to learn a language. he also thinks that watching english movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words.

sometimes, however, he finds watching moviesbecause the people

三. 单项选择(20分)

1. usually we get __about something and end up __in chinese.

a. exciting; speaking b. exciting; speak

c. excited; speaking d. excited; speak

2. -you ever __with a group?

-yes, i h**e.

a. h**e; study b. h**e; studied c. do; study d. study

3. _is bad for your eyes.

a. watch tv too much b. watching tv too much

c. watch too much tv d. watching too much tv

4. -i don’t think all of you are doctors.

---oh, i see. you mean

a. some of us are not doctorsb. none of us are doctors

c. all of us are doctorsd. some of us are soldiers

5. some students think that studying grammar is not helpful___

a. at all b. allc. veryd. not at all.

6. lots of practice is __to improve our english .

a. the best way b. the best answer c. the right problem d. the right skill

7. -what __news!

---yes. we are all __about it!

a. exciting; excitedb. excited; excited

c. exciting; excitedd. excited; exciting

8. it’s difficult __the piano well.

a. of him to playb. for him playing

c. for him to playd. of him playing

9do you get the news during the guangzhou asian games?

---by searching the news on the internet.

a. why b. whatc. whend. how

10. you can’t go to the zoo __you do your homework.

a. ifb. thoughc. unlessd. because

___noise(噪音) from the street caught my attention.

a. loudb. aloudc. loudly d. alouder

12. jim has trouble __a speech in class because he thought his classmates might laugh __him.

a. to make; at b. to make; in c. ******; at d. ******; in

you tell me __as well as you?

a. how can swimb. who do you learn swimming from c. where to swimd. how to swim

14. -what are you going to do this sunday, tom?

going out for a walk by the riverside?

a. what about b. how c. why don’td. let us

15. once you meet with some words you don’t know, you can __in the dictionary.

a. make up them b. look up them c. make them up d. look them up

16. the desk __very smooth.

a. feelingb. feelc. feelsd. felt

17. i realized that the earth __the sun.

a. turn around b. turned around c. turns around d. turning around

18. i didn't enjoy __there--there was too much backbiting(背后诽谤, 中伤).

a. workb. to work

c. worksd. working

19. last___i got a high mark in english exam, my teacher was very___

a. trem; frustrating b. term; frustrating c. trem; impressed d. term; impressed

20. lucy is afraid __out at night.

a. of go b. that to go c. to going d. to go




九年级英语月考unit1 unit

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