
发布 2022-08-01 20:31:28 阅读 3098


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课题: unit 2 topic 2 i must h**e a good rest tonight .





3.学习情态动词must及其否定式must not 的用法。

4.复习should / shouldn’t / must / must not 的用法。




十三世纪,在欧洲国家流行的“西班牙瘟疫”,十四世纪传出的“爱尔兰黑死病”,以及十八世纪流行于美国的鼠疫,基本上改变了西方世界的“生活方式”。 在此之前,西方人也很不讲卫生。在“黑暗时代(二世纪到十二世纪)”结束之前,欧洲的许多地方“混吃同睡,人畜同居”,不洗衣、不洗澡、不刷牙的情况非常普遍。

在北欧,人们甚至共用一盆水来轮流洗脸、漱嘴。 到了十二世纪,随着人**发传染性瘟疫开始大规模流行。仅十三世纪那次流行性瘟疫,就造成西欧人口锐减一半以上。



例如,在吃饭时“分食”,人们不共用一个盘子或同吃一道菜,而是先从锅内分开,每人只吃自己的那份。即使大家在餐馆,也是每人只吃自己的那份,与别人无关。 同时,也养成了严格的个人卫生习惯。



那是应在厕所里办的事。 十八世纪的那次鼠疫,对美国和西方影响很大。使每个国家都成立了独立的卫生检疫部门,在海关检疫外来人口和产品,防止传染病或病毒的输入,在本土严格预防和阻止任何流行病或严重病毒的传播。


1b . section b


section a

1. staying up late is bad for your health.

(1) stay up = sit up熬夜, 如:we stayed up until midnight to see the new year coming.

(2) 动词ing形式(动名词)可直接放句首作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。

2. too little 太少; too much 太多; 都用来修饰不可数名词。

3. going to school without breakfast 不吃早饭去上学。

section b

1. you must not read in the sun.

in the sun 在阳光下(此处不能用under the sun )

2. i must ask him to give up smoking.

give up doing sth. =stop doing sth. 放弃做某事

3. don’t throw litter about.

throw about 到处扔,如:throw litter about= throw about litter (litter是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:throw it about )

4. go for a walk 去散步; take a walk = h**e a walk 散步。

5. it will keep you active during the day.

(1)keep + 宾语 + 补语 (补语可以是:动词ing 形式; 形容词; 介词短语 )

①i’m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. (keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事 )

②keep the door open, please. (keep sb/sth+形容词表示某人/某事物保持怎样的状态)

③once a cold keep the child in bed for three days (keep sb+介词短语表示某人呆在某地)

(2) during the day = in the daytime 在白天。

section c

1. it may show that something is wrong with your health.

(1) show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物 please show me your new book.

(2) show sb. around 某地表带某人参观某地:i’ll show you around our school tomorrow.

2. you can get a headache when you exercise on an empty stomach.

on an empty stomach 空腹。

3. we can get into the human body through the nose.

(1) get into 进入,陷入; 如:get into trouble 陷入麻烦。

(2) ①through 从物体内部穿过, 如:walk through a forest. ②across 从物体表面横穿,如:

go across the road ③ over 从物体上空越过, 如:fly over the city

4. the boy has an illness.

illness = sickness疾病(名词), 很少表示具体的疾病,只表示抽象的疾病,disease 常表某种疾病。如:heart disease 心脏病

section d

1. as we know, good health is more important than wealth.

as we know = it is well know众所周知

2. of course, we must also h**e the right kinds of food.

the right kinds of food 正确种类的食物

3. we should eat more fruit and less meat.

eat more ….and less … 多吃… 少吃…

4. different foods help us in different ways.

(1) food, fruit 等词常作不可数名词,后不加s, 但当强调多种食物或水果时,常用复数形式, 如different foods.

(2) in different ways 以不同的方式。

5. it’s necessary for us to h**e healthy eating habits.

句型:it is + 形容词 + for sb. to do sth.

(it代替后面的不定式) 对于某人来说,去做某事是…的, 如:it’s useful for us to learn english well.


1>. 按要求写单词。


同义词组同义词过去式7. spit---过去式8. itself---复数形式9. might---原形。

2>. 请将下面的名词分类。

article news***** smoke health tooth lung litter breakfast energy water


3>. 单项选择。

) 1. which habit is bad for your health?

八年级上Unit2Topic2 单词 词组和句型

section a 1 单词 牙痛 牙科医生 咳嗽 头疼 发烧 流行感冒 胃疼 咖啡 茶 茶叶 大量,充足 烧开 电梯 举起 2 词组 患感冒患重感冒在夜晚大量,丰富。开水 看医生休息。3 重点句型 你怎么了?我很抱歉听到这消息。你应该去看医生。希望你快快 你患重感冒了?我很抱歉听到这个消息。你晚上...


topic 2 i must ask him to give up smoking 一 重点短语。1.stay up late熬夜。2.be bad for对 有害。3.be good for对 有益。4.too much太多,过分。5.do morning exercises做早操。6.keep ...


八年级上册unit 2 topic 2 imust ask him to give up smoking.section a 重点短语集锦。tired看起来很累。a soccer game on tv 在电视上 一场足球赛 up late 熬夜。to bed late 晚睡 bad good for...