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要点梳理与训练(book 5)

要点梳理。1. win意为“赢得;获胜”,作及物动词时,其后常跟比赛(match, game, race)、战争(war, battle)、奖品(medal)、奖金、金钱(money)等表示事物的名词或代词。


do you know who won the game yesterday?

my brother always beats me in playing chess.

2. the long jump意为“跳远”,若表达“跳得远”应为jump far。the high jump 意为“跳高”,若表示“跳得高”要用jump high。如:

tom jumped farthest in the long jump.

3. “as+ adj./adv.

(原级)+as one can”意为“尽可能地……;尽量……”相当于“as+ adj./adv. (原级)+as possible”。

如:i’ll finish the project as early as possible / as early as i can.

4. be able to和can都可表示“能;会”。be able to后接动词原形,be动词有各种时态和人称的变化;而can只有can和could两种形式。如:

the boy was able to / could swim when he was four.

5. include是动词,意为“包含;包括”,在句中作谓语。including也意为“包含;包括”,是介词,在句中构成介词短语作状语。如:

this book includes six units.

three students didn’t pass the exam, including li lei.

6. so和such都意为“如此;这样”,但它们的用法如下:

such a/an+形容词+单数名词;such+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词;so+形容词+a/an+单数名词。

当名词前有表示数量的词时(如many, much, few, little等),常用so来修饰。

7. take turns 的意思是“依次;轮流”,常用作take turns to do sth.或take turns in doing sth.

等。句型it is sb.’s turn to do sth.

的意思为“轮到某人做某事”。 如:

the children take turns in singing.

it’s my turn to be on duty today.

8. 表达倍数常用的句型有:a is /实义动词单三形式 … times as+adj.

/adv. (原级)+as b或者a is … times the size/width/depth/length of b。其中“两倍”用twice, “三倍或三倍以上”用“基数词+times”来表示。

如:the **erage blue whale is about four times as big as the biggest elephant.

the **erage blue whale is about four times the size of the biggest elephant.

9. success意为“成功”,多用作不可数名词,success的动词形式为succeed;形容词形式为successful;副词形式为successfully。h**e success in (doing) sth.

表示“在某方面取得成功”,相当于succeed in doing sth.。

10. deal with意为“处理”,常用于how引导的特殊疑问句中。do with也意为“处理”,常和what连用。如:

what did you do with that bottle of milk? =how did you deal with that bottle of milk?

11. wear意为“穿着;戴着”,表示状态,其宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是眼镜、手表或装饰物等。put on意为“穿上;戴上”,强调动作,后接表示衣物的名词或代词。

dress是动词,后面只能接表示人的名词或代词,意为“给……穿衣服”。get dressed 意为“穿好衣服”。

12. instead是副词,意为“代替;顶替”,常单独用于句首或句尾,作状语;而instead of 是介词短语,意为“代替”,其后常跟名词、代词和v-ing形式等。

13. against作介词,意为“反对;违反;不利于;紧靠”等,后接名词、代词或v-ing形式作宾语。其反义词是for,意为“赞成;支持”。

习惯表达有against law(违法), against the wind(逆风), against one’s will/wishes(违背某人的意愿)等。如:

are you for or against the plan?

i’m strongly against it.

14. “the +比较级(+其他),the +比较级(+其他)”表示“越……,就越……”两个比较级各引导一个分句,前一分句表示条件,后一分句表示结果。

the more you smile, the happier you will feel.

15. so/such … that … 意为“如此……以至于……”引导结果状语从句。so that意为“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句。

从句中的谓语常有may, might, can, would 等情态动词。如:

yunnan is so colourful that thousands of tr**ellers go there every month.

you’d better take a raincoat with you so that you can’t get wet.

16. 定冠词the用于名词或名词短语前面,表特指。常见用法有:

表示在叙述中第二次提到或谈话双方都知道的人或事;表示世界上独一无二的东西,以及江、河、海、洋、山脉等名称前,如:the sun;the yangtze river;乐器名词前一般要加定冠词the,如:play the guitar;用于某些名词前,指整个民族、一家人等, 如:

the whites;用于形容词前,表一类人,如:the old;用于最高级和序数词前, 如:the cleverest boy;the first day。

17. 祈使句的说话的对象(即句子的主语)通常是第二人称,习惯上省略。其否定式多以don’t或never开头。


don’t be late next time, li bing. never do it like that. let him not go there.

18. none作代词时,意为“没有一个”,否定三个或三个以上的人或物。none强调数量,对其提问时常用how many或how much引导。

no one也有“没有一个人;没有人”的意思,单独使用时一般指人;作主语时,谓语动词用单数。no one常用来回答who引导的疑问句及含anyone,anybody的疑问句。如:

helen has several books on the desk, but none of them is on history.

no one likes a person with bad manners.

要点训练。. 单项选择。

) 1. my brother is good at playing basketball, but he can’t play violin well.

a. the; the b. a; ac. a; thed. /the

) 2. h**e you ever watched interesting movie before?

a. such a b. such an c. so ad. so an

) 3. the doctor said, “sleep too late. it’s bad for your health.”

a. stopb. don’tc. can’td. no

) 4. —what is your mother doing?

she is my sister in the bedroom.

a. wearing b. putting on c. dressing d. h**ing on

) 5. i h**e three aunts, but of them can speak english.

a. noneb. allc. bothd. neither

. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. betty was so (care) that she made lots of mistakes in the test.

7. mike’s uncle is a very (success) businessman. he has great (succeed) in doing business.

8. four boys are against (h**e) a picnic tomorrow.


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