
发布 2022-07-30 20:39:28 阅读 8110





31.__the textbook is one of ken’s ways to learn english.

a. read b. reading c. reads d. to read

32. i want to find some music that i can dance___

a. with b. to c. along d. from

33. people shouldn’t __food.

a. be allow to waste b. be allow wasting c. be allowed waste d. be allowed to waste

34. some of her best loved photos are __display in this exhibition .

a. on b. in c. at d. about

35. -who’s __young man with long hair?

---he is a friend of mine.

a. a b. the c. an d. his

霾) weather has become commn in some major cities in china, for example, lin quan. we all wonder

a. how is the air polluted b. what can we do with the bad weather

c. why the air is polluted seriously d. what are the real reason

37. if i __you ,i would bring a small present for her.

a. am b. isc. was d. were

38. by the time i got home , gina and her sister __their homework already .

a. finished b. h**e finished c. had finished d. will finish

39. who listens __tom ,jack or bill ?

a. the most carefully b. more carefully c. the most careful d. more careful

didn’t think she can do it better

a. can she b. can’t she c. did you d. didn’t you

41. -do you need a new dictionary ,susan ?

---no,mum. my uncle bought me __yesterday .

a. one b. it c. the one d. another

42. -i hear tom had an accident when he rode to school yesterday .

he is always careful when he rides his bike .

a. how come b. what for c. why not d. so what

43. -why are you standing outside the gate ?

---my father __me wait for him here .

a. asked b. told c. made d. wanted

44. the geography teacher said that the sun __in the east.

a. rise b. rises c. rose d. is rising

math problem is too difficult .can you show memike ?

a. to do what b. how to do c. what to do it d. how to do it

46.--thank you for the wonderful meal ,mrs green .

a. it ’ s nothingb. dont say it like that

am happy you enjoyed it don’t think it’s good

47. i am really shyi don’t know anyone there ?

a. what if b. how c. what d. why

48. maria , you are a student . you can’t get your ears __

a. pierce b. pierced c. piercing d. pierces

49. if it __tomorrow , we’ll go to lin quan cheng nan park.

a. isn’t rain b. won’t rain c. doesn’t rain d. don’t rain

50. if you want to be healthier , you should eatfood and take __exercise .

a. more ; fewer b. more ; less c. fewer ; more d. less ; more

. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


athe best thing to start your day is a good breakfast. there are different 51 of breakfasts around the world.

eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper(穷人).”52 the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. it 53 us with energy after a long night without food.

if people don’t h**e breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry easily. breakfast helps children stay more focused in school. a study showed that children who eat breakfast regularly score 54 in most subjects.

breakfast is also important for weight loss. if you h**e a balanced breakfast, you will eat

55 throughout the day.

a healthy and 56 breakfast should include some protein(蛋白质) like eggs, milk or a little meat, which makes you energetic all day.

carbohydrates(碳水化合物)like rice or bread can keep you active. vegetables and fruit

57 the vitamins that humans need.

58 ,in china, breakfast is different from region to region. porridge with pickles(咸菜),baozi, noodles, soybean milk and youtiao are common throughout the 59 country. although western culture has influenced china a lot, most people still 60 traditional chinese breakfast.

they think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested(消化), but also can provide enough energy in the morning.


2013 2014上九年级英语期末考试分析。南开区教育中心尹雯。一 命题思路。1.依据2011年版新课标 2013年中考命题思路和九年级上册教材命题。2.考查基础知识和基本技能。3.考查易混淆的知识点。4.标准教师和学生找到问题,以谋求上升空间。二 总体成绩。1.全部学校成绩 实考人数3516,平均...


2013 2014上九年级英语期末考试分析。南开区教育中心尹雯。一 命题思路。1.依据2011年版新课标 2013年中考命题思路和九年级上册教材命题。2.考查基础知识和基本技能。3.考查易混淆的知识点。4.标准教师和学生找到问题,以谋求上升空间。二 总体成绩。1.全部学校成绩 实考人数3516,平均...


2013 2014上九年级英语期末考试分析。南开区教育中心尹雯。一 命题思路。1.依据2011年版新课标 2013年中考命题思路和九年级上册教材命题。2.考查基础知识和基本技能。3.考查易混淆的知识点。4.标准教师和学生找到问题,以谋求上升空间。二 总体成绩。1.全部学校成绩 实考人数3516,平均...