
发布 2022-07-30 00:05:28 阅读 4992


注意事项:1. 本试卷有问卷 8页,答卷2页,共十三大题,考试时间为120分钟,分值150分。

2. 考生要认真填写密封区内的学校、姓名、准考号和考点。

3. 考生要认真审题,按要求在答题纸上答题,卷面要整洁。

4. 考生必须用黑色0.5中性笔答题,答题内容必须写在方框中,框外无效。卷面要整洁。

5. 开考后30分钟放听力录音,只放一次。





1. how did lucy study for her last test?abc.

2. where would julia probably like to go on vacation?

3. what sport does sandra prefer?

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4. where does the dialogue probably happen?

abc.( )5. how did lucy’s family go to beijing?

a. b. c.



)6. don’t think so. b. thank youc. me, too.

)7. a. for two years. b. very muchc. never mind.

)8. a doctorb. at workc. yes, he is.

)9. a. it’s $30b. cheapc. pretty good.

) congratulations! b. it doesn’t matter. c. that’s all right.



) day is it tomorrow?

a. monday. b. saturday. c. sunday.

)12. who will go to dingcun village?

a. xiao lin. b. only li hong. c. li hong and wang yan.

)13. what time will they start?

a. at 8:00 am. b. at 8:30 am. c. at 9:00am.

)14. how are they going there?

a. by bus. b. on foot. c. by bike.

)15. how many times has xiao lin been to dingcun village?

a. once. b. twicec. never.

. 短文理解(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


)16. this is a letter from __to __

a. michael; ben b. michael; paul c. paul; michael

)17. michael likes___

a. birds best b. kinds of animals c. pet dogs

)18. _kinds of animals are mentioned in the letter.

a. twob. threec. four

)19. michael loves his dog so much because___

a. his dog makes him happy b. he likes to help animals c. the dog likes running

)20. ben often comes with michael___

a. in the open air b. in his school c. in the city

笔试部分 (75分)

. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

)21. -shall we pay __visit to expo 2010, shanghai?

no, i’d rather stay at home and play __football.

a. a; the b. the; a c. /the d. a; /

)22. –how well she sings!

-yes, she has a very sweet___

a. voiceb. soundc. noised. mouth

( )23. the __friends you h**e, the __you will be.

a. more; happy b. many; happy c. more; happier d. many; happier

)24. –your english has improved a lot.

–yes. i practice speaking english by __with the foreigner on the internet.

a. talking b. speaking c. telling d. saying

)25. your digital watch is quite nice. where did you buy___i want to buy___too.

a. one; oneb. it; itc. it; oned. one; it

)26. we’re doing much better __english __our teacher’s help.

a. in; at b. at; in c. in; with d. with; with

)27. she says she won’t be here __august 2 and 8.

a. betweenb. untilc. ford. on

)28. _it’s difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.

a. though b. unless c. because d. if

)29. mr. smith prefers walking __because he is a little bit older.

a. to jogb. rather than jogc. to jogging d. rather than jogs

)30. —may i go surfing alone this afternoon, dad?

no, you __it is dangerous.

a. may notb. can’tc. needn’td. don’t

)31. —what did the teacher say just now?

he said that the earth __round the sun.

a. goesb. wentc. will god. was going

)32. jenny with her parents __going to visit the palace museum tomorrow.

a. amb. arec. bed. is

)33. —can i get you a cup of tea?


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