
发布 2022-07-26 19:41:28 阅读 5437




2. 本试卷时量90分钟,满分120分。



) 1. how many points did tina get on the english exam?

got 60 points. got 80 points. got 100 points.

)2. which direction should the boy go first?

straight ahead.

)3. what does sally look like now?

has long curly has long straight hair.

c. she has short curly hair.

)4. what is john’s new cup made of?

)5. where does the man want to go?

the the museum. the library.




)6. where does the man work?

a supermarket. a a police station.

)7. what can’t the woman find?



( )8. what is mary fixing now?

radiob. her bikec. her computer.

)9. who g**e it to mary?



( )10. where did susan lose her handbag?

a. in the dining hall.

b. in the waiting hall.

c. in the concert hall.

)11. what were in susan’s handbag?

a. her school id card and two bank cards.

b. two bank cards, three books and some money.

c. her id card, three bank cards and some money.


)12. when will the two speakers see zootopia?

a. on friday nightb. on saturday night. c. on sunday night.

)13. which cinema will the two speakers go?

a. the oscarb. the wide screen. c. the red star.

)14. which show will the two speakers see?

a. the 6:30 showb. the 7:30 showc. the 9:30 show.


)15. where is li meng now?

a. in chinab. in australiac. in canada.

)16. what is li meng looking forward to?

a. being chosen by a winning team.

b. playing a fair game against the competing team.

c. meeting the new team members and training with them.

)17. how long has li meng been playing soccer?

a. since he was 6 years old.

b. since he was 7 years old.

c. since he was 8 years old.


)18. when did lin yue go to england?

a. last summer. b. last monthc. last week.

) did lin yue think of the english students there?

a. friendlyb. creativec. hard-working.

) musical instrument did lin yue give up?

a. guitarb. violinc. piano.



) knows much about the city because he __there many times.

a. wentb. has gonec. has been

)22.--could you tell me __yesterday?

---because it rained he**ily.

a. why you arrived lateb. why you arrive late

c. why you didn’t arrive late

)23.--i’m sorry, mr. li. i __my english homework at home.

---don’t forget __it to school tomorrow.

a. left; to bring b. forgot; to takec. lost; to bring

) president of america.

a. electedb. electc. was elected

) first thing for parents is to __their kids from danger.

a. stayb. keepc. try

) waste water. water is very important and no one can live __it.

a. withoutb. withc. except

) this the school __you visited last weekend?

wherec. which

) rather __at home. the movie is said to be boring.

a. to stayb. stayc. stayed

)29.__the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day.

a. ifb. becausec. although

)30.--will you go camping this sunday?

---i’m not sure. it __the weather.

a. depends onb. cares about c. agrees to



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