
发布 2022-07-26 16:52:28 阅读 1064







快点 放弃做某事。








并列句表示并列关系,常用连接词有and, not only…but also… 表示转折,常用连词有but, while(强烈对比)

表示选择关系,常用连词有or, either…or表示因果关系,常用连词有so, for

序数词口诀:一二三要单记(first, second, third), th从四加起,八少t,九少e(eighth, ninth), ve变f(fifth),ty变tie(twentieth),若是几十几或几百几,只变个位记心里 (twenty—second)

祈使句的反义疑问句回答 1 一般情况下用will you 或 won't yougive me a hand, will you/ won't you?

2 以let's开头的祈使句,疑问句用shall we; 以let us或let me开头的祈使句,问句用will you。

let's go out for a walk, shall we? let us go out for a walk, will you? let me help you, will you?

3 当陈述句是否定的祈使句时,问句可用will you 或 can you don't make much noise, will/can you?

1. mr. brown knows little japanese, _he can't understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.

a. so b. or c.

but d. for

4. you must work hard, _you will fall behind. a. and b. but c. so d. or

5. take exercise every day, _you will become stronger and stronger. a.

or b. and c. but d.


6. work hard, you're sure to be successful in this exam. a. and b. or c. but d. so

7. will you come on monday or tuesday?— i'm afraid __day is possible.

i'll be busy next week. a. either b.

neither c. both

8. _lily__lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home. a.

not only; but also b. neither; nor c. either; or

10. didn't you give roses to your father? oh, not only my father, _my grandpa got red roses.

a. or b. and c.

but d. until

11. they don't fit me well. they are too big too small a.

not only; but also b. both; and c. neither; nor d.

either; or

2. i hear __your grandpa __your grandma like min opera. a.

both; and b. either; or c. neither; nor d.

not only; but also

5. help others whenever you can __you’ll make the world a nicer place to live. a.

and b. or c. unless d.


1 most boys like___movies. 2 ihands with him when i met him. 3 hehis head and agreed.

4 my teacher alwaysus to speak english. 5 there is noabout we should do.

1 everyone is supposeddo)it. 2 we h**e come to anagree)

3 her main job isteach) 4 my dream iswin) the game. 5 his duty israise) money.

1he can’t come. 很遗憾 230 boys like action movies.

3 yousmoke here. 不应该 4 the boxes h**etoo much space. 占据。

5the governmentthe problem. we spend a lot of moneyit.处理

6 we shouldpeace 为工作 7 he hashis mistakes. 逐渐意识到。


确定。为 做贡献。只要。总之。跑开。被允许。由 制成 看得出材料 由 制成 看不出材料 成为现实 实现。被用作。照相。在某人一生中。到目前为止。不再。对 产生影响。剩余的。令人惊讶的是。对 感到吃惊。应该做某事。据说。制定法律。以 为根据。相隔。以 名字取名。亲眼目睹。1 be used for d...


unit2 topic 3 would you like to be a greener person?减小 缩小v 重复使用 v v应当,应该。应该。应该。布n衣服n 电动的adj 电 n点头v 使 动摇v同意,一致n 不同意 n美 罐头n 提供v.n 塑料的adj 技术n距离n 行动,动作n 钢...


unit 3 topic 2 section a 1 学习重点目标 设疑自探背写下列短语 12.在不同的文化中 3.为 送行。4.在 去某地的路上 5.飞往某地 6.看见某人做某事7.请求搭便车8.让某人搭便车 9.上车下车 11.为 担心 12.在 做 上有困难13.给 发电子邮件 14.给 打 ...