年九年级英语中考冲刺语法专项复习 动词时态 I 练习题

发布 2022-07-26 07:36:28 阅读 2847

a. swim b. swam c. will swim d, was swimming




2011河南省】33. —excuse me, where is mr. brown's office?

sorry, i don't know. i___here for only a few days.

a. work b. worked c. h**e worked d. will work


2011黑龙江绥化市】()14.—where is bob?

he___to harbin for a meeting.

a. went b. has been c. has gone

答案:c解析】词义辨析。h**e been to 指“去过”,h**e gone to 指“去了”, 即不在说话者所在地。根据句义,“他去哈尔滨参加会议”,所以选c。

2011黑龙江绥化市】()24. don't make so much noise. the children___an english lesson.

a. h**eb. are h**ing c. were h**ing


2011江苏徐州】8. i was very angry with john—he just___when i spoke to him.

a. isn’t listening b. hasn’t listened c. didn’t listen d. wasn’t listening


2011江苏徐州】13. —are you going to the bank, laura?

no, i __to the bank already.

a. h**e beenb. h**e gonec. am goingd. had been


”和“already”推测他已经去过了,用现在完成时。h**e/has been+地点意为“去过某地(已回来)”;h**e/has gone+地点意为“到某地去了(现在不在这儿)”。故选a。

2011内蒙古包头】( 22. mr. black is going to marry a girl he __in japan last year.

a. meets b. metc. has met d. would meet

22. 答案:b


2011四川资阳)27. so far this year, many new housesin wenchuan with the help of the government.

a. buildb. are built c. will build d. h**e been built

答案:d解析】考查动词的时态。句中有so far“到目前为止”,使用现在完成时态,故选d。

2011天津】36. my grandmother __a lot of changes in tianjin since she came here.

a.seesb. can see c. will see d. has seen

答案:d 解析】 动词的时态。 “since,自从……以来”是现在完成时的标志词,因此这句话用现在完成时。

2011乌鲁木齐】 meeting _ by the time i got there yesterday.

a. was on b. has been on c. had begun d. has begun

答案】c解析】时态的考察 “我昨天到哪儿”是过去,“会议开始在我到哪儿之前”应是过去的过去。故用过去完成时。

43. 【2011广西柳州】—you h**e found your lost umbrella, h**en’t you?

—yes. i __it behind the door this afternoon.

a. h**e foundb. will findc. found


2011沈阳】10. listen! the phone __please go to answer it.

a. rings b. is ringing c. rang d. will ring


2011贵州毕节)28.i many new friends since i came here.

a.make b.made c.will make d.h**e made


2011梧州】36. i met a good friend of mine while i on the street.

a. walks b. walk c. was walking d. am walking

答案】c解析】时态考察 “我在街上走的时候,突然碰到了我的一个好朋友。”遇见我的好朋友时,我正在街上走着,故应用过去进行时。

2011梧州】45. –i don’t know if mr. li __to the party this evening.

- i think he will come if he __free.

a. will come; is b. will come; will be c. comes; is d. comes; will be


2011贵州贵阳】39. "where's your brother, jane?" he's not in guiyang these days.


a. has gone to b. has been to c. had been to

答案:a 解析】 根据句意:你哥哥jane在**?这些天他不在贵阳,他去了北京。has gone to去了;has been to去过。故选a。

2011湖南湘西】25. what’s the best present you h**e ever

a. receivedb. receivesc. receiving

答案:a 解析】考查时态构成完成时态用“h**e/has + 过去分词”,received是过去分词。

2011湖南湘西】30. —what are you doing?


a. watchingb. watchesc. watched

答案:a 解析】考查时态上句用进行时问,再用进行时回答,构成进行时用“be + 现在分词”,所以选择答案a.

2011沈阳】8. the computer is broken. _it___today?

a. will; repairb. has; repaired

c. will; be repaired d. has; been repaired


2011雅安】14. she __this book for nearly three weeks.

a. has borrowed b. has lentc. has bought d. has kept

答案:d 解析】考查延续性动词的用法。时间状语为:

for nearly three weeks,用延续性动词。borrow,lend, buy均为非延续性动词,不能与一段时间连用。故选d。

2011襄阳】35. -why won’t you go to the movie with me, gina?

---because i it twice.

a. see b. h**e seen c. saw d. will see


年九年级英语中考冲刺语法专项复习 动词时态 2 练习题

a.swim b.swam c.will swim d,was swimming 25.答案 d。考查动词时态。首句说 我昨天下午4点钟给你打 但是没人接。下句显然是要告诉对方当时正在做什么,故用过去进行。句意 我当时和我的朋友们在一起。2011河南省 33.excuse me,where is m...

初中英语语法全解全练 中考英语语法专项复习名词

中考英语专项复习 名词。中考考纲中主要考查名词做主语 定语及宾语的用法,考查名词主要围绕同 近义词 voice noise,sound home,family,house ground,floor,earth 多义词 exercise 练习 锻炼 room 空间 房间 兼类词 mind 名词,动词 ...

